[PotatoHead] Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero (1080p BD Remux)

2022-12-07 18:36 UTC
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File size:
18.8 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/kBL8OTK.png "PotatoHeader") Remux from the JP Blu-ray with our original PotatoHead subtitles retimed and attached. Note that [Toei messed up their color space conversion again](https://twitter.com/AnimeAjay/status/1600502670824964099), so this is green tinted (as is the Amazon WEB version). Recommended encode - https://nyaa.si/view/1612156 Recommended 4K encode - https://nyaa.si/view/1614091 Please use a competent media player such as [mpv](https://mpv.io/), [MPC-HC](https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc/releases/), or [PotPlayer](https://potplayer.daum.net/). *If you run into any errors with the release, please note them down below.*

File list

  • [PotatoHead] Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero (1080p BD Remux).mkv (18.8 GiB)
I've noted one more error: the movie itself is very bad... :D But thx alot, you guys! Didn't expect the remux today already.
I thought it was great apart from the end
Toei has to be trolling fans at this point
Color fix: https://dropmefiles.com/tjtc9 Encode in ffmpeg with option -vf lut3d='C\:/full/path/without/spaces/Fix.cube' for the win. ;-) Made by matching the trailer with a color matching tool. PS. There should be a backslash between the C and the : but for some reason this comment section ignores backslashes.
please upload a non-bloated version. no one wants to dedicate 18 GB to a DB movie smh
Would it be possible to add the nfo to the prez?
calling a remux bloated lol
in what fucking moronic world are you from where 18.8 GB isn't bloated?
EndlessMaria, you absolute cretin, this is a BDREMUX. Do you even know what that means? This is the file that other people make encodes from. It's like complaining that the meat they use to make a BBQ steak from is raw. It's SUPPOSED to be like this. Make your own encode if you don't like the size. And you know what you use to make an encode? THIS FILE! Question: does the BDMV also have a stereo track included, or is it just 5.1?
@EndlessMaria Bruh, why don't you just grab the amazon release
i love Dragonball. i for example can live with such big files for Dragonball. Can*t wait for the 4K Remux
Why would I? I'm not the one who needs it. Go make your own.
@EndlessMaria: I'm from planet Earth, actually. Which is indeed full of morons, as you just demonstrated. Anyways, what you want is called an encode. There'll be way to much of them in no time at all, don't worry. Then you can enjoy the movie without all those nasty details.
Here's the mediainfo: https://pastebin.com/raw/DSRTNTtH 1 h 39 min, 1080p video, Surround 5.1 audio (Japanese), English subtitles
@EndlessMaria Please for the love of all that is pure... kindly shut the fuck up. We get it; you were diddled as a kid, you parents hate you and you are poor as hell. Let the people that can afford HDDs enjoy this amazing remux! K?

-___- (uploader)

>Question: does the BDMV also have a stereo track included, or is it just 5.1? Just 5.1. The stereo track was an audio-description track.
@EndlessMaria I just bought a 12TB HDD this black friday. Feels good to not be a retarded poor piece of shit.
Krycek7o2 shut up and upload a proper version
jillvalentine shut up and upload a proper version
@EndlessMaria Stuck a nerve? Get some help here. https://www.rainn.org/resources We will root for you to overcome your past trauma! Sadly, won't help your pockets!
EndlessMaria go suck the nearest blackest dick aka your mama just like every morning but this time charge them then maybe you can afford a hard drive like an adult instead of bitching about someone kind enough to upload a remux. You want a smaller one make it yourself.

-___- (uploader)

DB torrent comments be normal challenge (impossible)
@Krycek7o2 shut up and upload a proper version
PeePeePooPoo69 shut up and upload a proper version
Dude, just grab the amazon release like shimo suggested or wait a couple hours.
@EndlessMaria https://www.nsvrc.org/find-help Please... find help. We are ALL rooting for you!
pukulan10jurus what does that even mean? amazon release isn't on nyaa
Yes, it is: https://nyaa.si/view/1611281 and it solves your problem, I think.
 >There are people in the comments RIGHT NOW who don't have 100tb+ of storage. I also hate dragon ball
@EndlessMaria nigga shut up and upload a "proper" version yourself
ethan2awesome you shut up and upload the proper version
@EndlessMaria i dont have to, we're on the page for it
Speak for yourself, Krycek7o2. I'm rooting for EndlessMaria to become an hero.
@pukulan10jurus Stupid question: I just have to download ffmpeg and type this (-vf lut3d=‘C:/full/path/without/spaces/Fix.cube) in somewhere for the CC? I've never done this before and don't know how it works at all. Also, does anyone know why other modern dragon ball movies have larger file size versions like 40-60GB while this one seems to only be 18GB? Is is because they ar 4k?
No, you have to enter that as an option when you encode with ffmpeg. The full line should be something like: C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "infile.mkv" -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryslow -crf 16 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -vf lut3d='E\:/Fix.cube' "outfile.mkv" Look into the ffmpeg docs or use google for more info on ffmpeg encoding. Be sure to add that backslash! I'm currently testing my output and it looks great. Like there never was anything wrong.
Even at absolute best, untouched it's still cursed with green tint. 🙁 I'll wait for a color corrected release. Thanks for this, though. > Toei has to be trolling fans at this point Sort of. Feels very unprofessional and incompetent, I just hope CR's Blu-ray won't have that shit.

-___- (uploader)

I have my own CC'd version rendering at the moment FWIW. Should be up in an hour or so
Here's a random screenshot using the fix on a veryfast encode of the AMZN release: https://images2.imgbox.com/b7/e5/e6QXXHsu_o.png I plan on encoding the BD and fixing some errors in the subs tomorrow or the day after. I'll keep the bitrate high tho. Heck, I might even bloat it just a little lmfao
@-___-: Could you maybe post the Audiodescription and the Japanese subs on dropmefiles or something? Would like to have them for completeness' sake. Or for the lolz in case of the audiodescription.
Will u upload a 2160p version aswell?
Impakt, TOEI are unprofessional and incompetent. Remember that time they lost their stuff cause they got hacked?
@EndlessMaria, Go cry in a corner scrub.
And you wonder why I come here and make fun of you assholes.
Can you upload the raw m2ts? Thank you
What happened to the other release, encoded to remove the green tint?

-___- (uploader)

>What happened to the other release, encoded to remove the green tint? Removed since it used an outdated LUT and some people were having issues with the audio. No reason for it to exist when SiMPLE's uses my proper DCI to D65 LUT and is significantly better encoded.
But.... the comments were a goldmine....
Man should've kept the tint fix version for the sake of gold comedy in the comments. I was visiting that page everyday for that lmao

-___- (uploader)

![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/V1th5PL6/image.png "Logo Title Text 1")
@DmonHiro FYI Toei and funimation have been partners since the beginning. A TOEI producer is blood related(uncle) to the original owner of funimation(Gen F.). It wouldn't be a stretch to say TOEi helped funimation, make it possible for corporate America to turn Anime into what it is today and take over the industry. Universal Pic. bought funi in 2005 sold it back to Gen in 2011 then 2017 took it back as partner with Sony UK. It should be no surprise the BD looks like shit. Maybe, people working for the company where the JBBD was printed messed the quality up on purpose. (Info found on Wiki)
I demand my fun comment section back if not I will hold Rowan at hostage in minecraft until he shits himself.
Dragon Ball Super Super Hero 2022 2160p REPACK UHD Blu ray Remux DoVi HEVC TrueHD 7.1.mkv https://4share.vn/f/6e585d5f5a575f5e MediaInfo https://pastebin.com/raw/2wE5fL2E
@An-Land: Thank you so friggin' much!
@-___- Can you please share the tint removal lut file? Toei Kamen rider 4k BD is also fucking green tinted, so that need to be removed