Hi! After another four months, I return with another discography, and it's a pleasure to be able to do this one in particular
I spent two years trying to get this soundtrack, but thanks to an anon, a few days ago I was able to get it, thank you very much! This post would not exist without your help
I can't say much about the anime, just only that it's a club where various types of board games are played, but anyway, I plan to see it in the future, since now I have its soundtrack

Opening: Miyu Tomita - Present Moment
Catalog: COCC-17668
Release date: November 13, 2019
Japanese title: 富田美憂 - Present Moment
01. Present Moment
02. Ageha Twilight
03. Present Moment (Instrumental)
04. Ageha Twilight (Instrumental)

Ending: Miki Takekasa (CV: Saki Miyashita), Aya Takayashiki (CV: Marika Kohno), Midori Ohno (CV: Miyu Tomita) - On the Board
Catalog: COCC-17667
Release date: October 23, 2019
Japanese title: 武笠美姫(CV:宮下早紀)、高屋敷綾(CV:高野麻里佳)、大野翠(CV:富田美憂) - On the Board
Japanese tracklist
01. On the Board
02. 笑顔のパスポート
03. On the Board (Instrumental)
04. 笑顔のパスポート (Instrumental)
Romaji tracklist
01. On the Board
02. Egao no Passport
03. On the Board (Instrumental)
04. Egao no Passport (Instrumental)

OST: Houkago Saikoro Club Original Soundtrack
Catalog: HMCH-2089
Release date: January 8, 2020
Japanese title: 放課後さいころ倶楽部 オリジナルサウンドトラック
Alternative title 1: After School Saikoro Club Original Soundtrack
Alternative title 2: After School Dice Club Original Soundtrack
Japanese tracklist
01. 放課後さいころ倶楽部メインテーマ
02. 弱い自分、嫌いな自分
03. 明るい転校生
04. ひよっこデザイナー
05. どうしようー!?
06. 学校生活
07. 街の景色
08. ドキドキ
09. スキャンダル?
10. いつもの3人
11. ボードゲームしようよ!
12. ルール説明1
13. ゲームスタート!
14. 笑って、騒いで
15. 楽しまなくっちゃ!
16. とびっきりの「楽しい」
17. Boys Meet Girls
18. 心臓バクバク
19. 心理戦
20. ハナ
21. 凶犬のキョーコ
22. ひとりぼっち
23. 踏み出す一歩
24. 弱虫、泣き虫
25. おこった!
26. がっかり...
27. プレッシャー
28. 生徒会のみなさん
29. 金沢旅行
30. George
32. Emmie
33. ルール説明2
34. 胸騒ぎ
35. お祭り!
36. 帰り道、また明日
37. ハッピーホーリーナイト
38. 小さな恋
39. 私の知らない世界
40. 次回予告
Romaji tracklist
01. Houkago Saikoro Club Main Theme
02. Yowai Jibun, Karai na Jibun
03. Akarui Tenkousei
04. Hiyokko Designer
05. Dou Shiyoou⁉
06. Gakkou Seikatsu
07. Machi no Keshiki
08. Dokidoki
09. Scandal?
10. Itsumo no 3-ri
11. Board Game Shiyou yo!
12. Rule Setsumei 1
13. Game Start!
14. Emitte, Sawaide
15. Tanoshi Manakutcha!
16. Tobikkiri no 「Tanoshii」
17. Boys Meet Girls
18. Shinzou Bakubaku
19. Shinrisen
20. Hana
21. Kyou Inu no Kyouko
22. Hitori Botchi
23. Fumidasu Ippo
24. Yowamushi, Nakimushi
25. Okotta!
26. Gakkari...
27. Pressure
28. Seito-kai no Minasan
29. Kanazawa Ryokou
30. George
32. Emmie
33. Rule Setsumei 2
34. Munasawagi
35. Omatsuri!
36. Kaerimichi, Mata Ashita
37. Happy Holy Night
38. Chiisana Koi
39. Watashi no Shiranai Sekai
40. Jikai Yokoku

Opening Album: Miyu Tomita - Prologue
Catalog: COCX-41464
Release date: Juny 30, 2021
Japanese title: 富田美憂 - Prologue
Japanese tracklist
01. Present Moment
02. ジレンマ
03. Run Alone!
04. 片思いはじめました
05. 翼と告白
06. Some day, Summer day.
07. Broken Sky
08. かりそめ
09. 足跡
10. Letter
Romaji tracklist
01. Present Moment
02. Jirenma
03. Run Alone!
04. Kataomoi Hajimemashita
05. Tsubasa to Kokuhaku
06. Some day, Summer day.
07. Broken Sky
08. Karisome
09. Ashiato
10. Letter
Direct download: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/2022/12/houkago-saikoro-club-discografia.html
Ok, that's it, enjoy the discography! Again, big thanks to that anon for the soundtrack link, and to all the people who pre-uploaded the singles and album
I'm just a compiler, and maybe a bit "editor", but I don't want to have credits
There's more or less half a month left until the end of the year, I don't think I'll upload anything else, and if that happens, we'll see you next year!
You want to contact me?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polocool95
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polo.perez.505523/
Discord: Polocool#5703
Mail: anepf95@hotmail.com
My (inactive or something) Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/polocool95
My Blog: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/
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