# **_Revue☆Starlight Music Collection v3_**
## *「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」サウンド・コレクション*

### Updated because the last collection doesn't include any Gekijouban music, and I figured everyone else should benefit from my work. Should have most retail releases, and some blu-ray bonuses. Rename v2 folder to v3, delete deprecated folders and recheck, should update easily.
### Based off of https://nyaa.si/view/1372374 with the following changes:
All new and improved albums have been tagged with Musicbrains Picard. I would have put every album through it, but I know most people would prefer to have their torrent client work with the new revision as is. Some tracks from the albums with multiple versions are stored in only one of the folders. From my understanding, these tracks are bit identical between the versions.
[2018.10.17] 「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」オリジナルサウンドトラック [FLAC] is now complete (entire OST in 48kHz/24bits).
[2019.08.09] 「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」インストアルバム「ラ レヴュー・オン・ボワット」 [320k mp3] has been replaced with [2019.08.09] 「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」インストアルバム「ラ レヴュー・オン・ボワット」 [FLAC]
Added the following albums:
[2021.06.30] 私たちはもう舞台の上 [FLAC]
[2021.07.14] サイカイ合図【星ver.】 [FLAC]
[2021.07.14] サイカイ合図【花ver.】 [FLAC]
[2021.07.21] 劇場版 少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト 劇中歌アルバムVol.1 [FLAC]
[2021.07.21] 劇場版 少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト 劇中歌アルバムVol.2 [FLAC]
[2021.12.22] 舞台裏のレヴュー [FLAC]
[2022.04.20] Delight to me! (Delight ver.) [FLAC]
[2022.04.20] Delight to me! (エーデル ver.) [FLAC]
[2022.09.21] 「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト」レヴューアルバム「アルカナ・アルカディア」 [FLAC]
[2022.10.12] Regalia -継承-_アフレぐ!~Aufregendes leben~ [FLAC]
### Still missing:
[[2017.09.22] スタァライト九九組 - プリンシパル -Fancy You- is missing the instrumental tracks](https://revuestarlight.com/music/fancy-you/)
[[2019.12.18] 舞台BGM集](https://revuestarlight.com/music/bd-the-live-2-revival/)
[[2020.03.18] 3rdスタァライブ "Starry Diamond"Blu-ray (don't know if this comes with an audio BD/CD or how Lives were included in previous versions, but this BD is under the music section so putting it here for completion sake)](https://revuestarlight.com/music/3rdstarlive/)
[[2020.12.09] 青嵐総合芸術院 - BLUE ANTHEM [FLAC] is missing the instrumental tracks](https://revuestarlight.com/music/blue-anthem_limited/)
[[2021.03.24] MaHiKaren, & FutaRuko Polestar Character Versions](https://revuestarlight.com/news/7166/)
[[2021.07.14] サイカイ合図 is missing the instrumental tracks](https://revuestarlight.com/music/musical_3rd_star/)
[[2021.07.14] 「少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The LIVE 青嵐- BLUE GLITTER」](https://revuestarlight.com/music/blue-glitter_bd/)
[[2022.11.23] 舞台楽曲集](https://revuestarlight.com/music/edelblu-ray/)
### FLAC unavailable:
[[2017.09.22] スタァライト九九組 - プリンシパル -Fancy You-](https://revuestarlight.com/music/fancy-you/)
[[2018.10.24] スタァライト九九組 - 聖翔音楽学園 Musical Song 1 My friend ~Arrie~](https://revuestarlight.com/animation/blu-ray/vol1/)
[[2019.04.17] スタァライト九九組 - Live CD 2ndスタァライブ ”Starry Desert”](https://revuestarlight.com/music/2ndstarlive/)
Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year
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