**Have an anime request to encode?
Request them on our discord server.**
**```Join our discord server:``` [Click Here](https://discord.gg/6XnYdWP)**
> Recommended media players to use for my releases are MPV and MX Player for Android.
| **General** | **Audio:** |**Subtitles:**|
| :-----------: | :--------:|:---------:|
| ```Source: zanros [BD Remux]``` | ```English [Opus, 2.0 Ch 192kbps]``` | ```Signs and Songs [MiraiAnime]``` |
| ```Resolution: 1080p``` | ```Japanese [Opus, 2.0 Ch 192kbps] (Default)``` | ```Dialogue [MiraiAnime] (Default)``` |
**Note**: Requests are open once again on our discord server!
Second account with weekly encodes: [Click Here](https://nyaa.si/user/AkihitoSubsWeeklies)
**Donations**: [Click Here](https://ko-fi.com/blacknet) Feel free to buy us some coffee <3
>**[If you like this release please help by seeding it!]**




Thank you for your work!!
I have an anime request to encode, Konosuba Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!)
it would be awesome to find it someday on the page
Comments - 3