**583 selected AMV**
aka "So after Youtube restricted/banned/muted a bunch AMV from my playlist - I finally decided to do a HARD COPY"

>Between others - added non-watermarked Wanted Dead game advertisement AMV.
Content notice: creators often use violence/gore or borderline ecchi for artistic expression purposes - some of AMV is not for children.
**SEED until your PC will EXPLODE!**
Sorry if I’m not on seeding - due constant ruzzian bombing of civilians - We have periodic power outages.
Just wait until another day.
Or two.
Or three.
2 Styx235: well reality revelation - life dont stops when living in/near active warzone. People still got married, born children, die from old age, go for groceries. Life find its way on open opportunity. I'm not talking about politics on anime site - yet about influence on socium of millions. Now is 3:52 of morning, We have local electricity/internet/cellfone coverage - so My day begins with cup of fresh brewed tea. Today without air raid sirens & without working AA-system explosions & without glow on horizont & without jets/helicopters on low fly-by over houses.
And how morning in Your corner of Earth begins?
Comments - 4
EvGaS (uploader)
EvGaS (uploader)