Below I have written a novel about this translation but before that, here's what's contained in the file.
On disc, there are two separate versions. One with 5.1 audio and one with 2.0 audio. This isn't too out of the ordinary except the one with the 2.0 audio actually has a slightly larger video file so that is the one I used. I included both audio tracks however the 2.0 track might be just a simple mixdown but I left it in just in case. For example, the third movie actually has a different 2.0 and 5.1 mix rather than the former just being a mixdown. It's nothing as intricate as Neon Genesis Evangelion's tracks being the original legacy 90's video release 2.0 mix (slightly different from original OA mix) and the 2003-04 brand new 5.1 renewal mix. I feel like most people are aware but I saw somewhere that someone got that wrong with The End of Evangelion so I just want to make sure I'm covering all the bases. The subtitles, aside from being revised, have been restyled. I haven't re-timed or broken apart lines that should be since I do not have experience with that. I stole the Noto Sans SemBd font from varyg1001 because it looks clean and easy to read. If you just want the subtitle and font files, they should be on Animetosho.

I'd like to thank the original contributors fdsfgs71 for sharing the initial completed subtitle script on here from Diko_Linnai, Eight, and OddOttAllen and Nomake Wan for fixing up some of the lines. I originally started work on this before Nomake Wan shared the updated script so that was quite helpful. My goal was to make the script accurate, have consistent terminology, and hopefully read well. I feel like I got about 90% of the way there and that it should be satisfactory enough so that it's watchable and other people can understand and (hopefully) help improve upon it. If this came with Japanese subtitles like the main features do, it'd be a lot easier to be able to use them as a reference for what is actually being said. Previously I claimed Asuka's new line in 3.333 wasn't correctly updated even with Japanese subtitles to reference but I had missed that Nomake Wan had actually correctly updated Asuka's line back when that version came out. Thank you for bringing that to my attention and I apologize for that. My mistake stemmed from Beatrice-Raws (both times) and Krycek7o2's release which use subtitles without the correct terminology. I've always just used my own 3.333 UHD disc and I had already seen the original 3.33 many times so I did not look more thoroughly into it back then.
I started working on a translator note text file but I'll just try to briefly mention some key points here. Most of the mistakes I had fixed were also fixed by Nomake Wan so I either went somewhere in-between or just used their line. However, I believe a new error was created. The original translation went something like "It's all about the blood, sweat, and tears these days." then was changed to "Why bother with blood, sweat and tears at a time like this?" which I believe the original would've been closer. She says "今時努力と感情から" (imadoki doryoku to kanjō kara). Imadoki means nowadays or these days from what I've learned. Kara at the end would refer to "what it's about" I believe, like how the original line went or perhaps "what matters". If that idiom is used the exact same way with what she said in Japanese, I'd definitely like to learn about that since I wasn't able to find anything of the sort via basic google searching and I couldn't think of another similar line from anime I've seen to reference either. Either way, I feel like the idiom fits really well for what she's saying and couldn't think of a good way to word it using a more literal translation but that's the route I decided to go anyways (lol). As for Mari's line about WILLE's report I wasn't sure which tense form it should be and I went with "aren't" over "weren't". That might be a miss on my part because I couldn't tell if she's just explaining, stating, or quoting so I worded it in a way that could somewhat be perceived either way. I also didn't translate any of her singing. I'm probably the most confident in the lines of Asuka's that I changed. I feel like I was able to more accurately use the tenses of "die" or "dying" since that's the main theme of what's being talked about which spurs on why Midori thought about the time when she thought she was going to die. In terms of sentence order structure, it wasn't consistent in either of the previous versions so I wasn't too worried about my choices as long as it made sense and read well enough with what is being said. If it's better to word Midori talking about deciding to join WILLE when she grows up like in the previous subtitles, I wouldn't be against it. To me it feels wrong having words on the screen that haven't been said yet after a long pause but then in this case, it's not an actual spoiler or anything unlike the Re:ZERO subtitles that spoiled that climatic cliffhanger with "who is" when Emilia only says "Remu de" then there's a long pause then it's revealed afterwards by saying "dade no koto?". That's just evil. Speaking of reading well enough with what is being said, that was definitely a challenge and I believe impossible for Midori's final line during the flashback. If I'm hearing it completely correct her first line goes "私たちの世界よめちゃくちゃして ばかに" and the second line goes "一発 食らうわせてあるために". Man, I really hope I was hearing it correctly. I'm unsure if ばかに is talking about said idiot that messed up the world (Shinji) or as in "making fun of" or "taking it lightly" for messing up the the world or foolishly doing so, I don't know. I didn't agree with either of the two existing translations. They're not completely wrong but I feel like it doesn't fully represent what she's saying. First TL wrote: "So that I could beat up the idiot that decided to turn our world upside-down." Second TL wrote: "So that I could punch the idiot who ruined our world right in his dumb, stupid face." At first I was gonna put something along the lines of "So that the idiot who messed up our world can get one back at them and eat it!" You know, like eat a knuckle sandwich since Asuka mentioned wanting to punch said idiot earlier? I'm pretty certain I've heard the same thing in other anime where they're about to unleash an attack or something and they say the same thing and it gets translated at "Take (or Eat) this!". Maybe not though since I don't have a definitive scene that I can recall. So I ended up deciding on "To aid in getting 'the idiot that messed up our world' to take a hit back in return!" I put her first sentence in quotes to try and segment it together if that's the terminology used to refer to Shinji. I still don't like it but I think I hit most of the check boxes with it (help pls). Finally I added Kitakami-chi since that's what it sounds like he calls her since -san was added to Nagara at the beginning. I don't know if the dash is correct or not since for example, best girl Hiiragi Yume from Akiba Maid War is always referred to as Yumechi.
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DamianV8501 (uploader)
DamianV8501 (uploader)
DamianV8501 (uploader)
DamianV8501 (uploader)