Can you believe it? It’s been a whole two years since Liella! released their debut single, Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora! How time has flown since then. And to commemorate the occasion, we’re also proud to present the Love Live! Superstar!! Liella! First LoveLive Tour ~Starlines~, complete with English subs!
Starlines was held from October 30, 2021 to January 16, 2022, consisting of twenty legs in ten cities across Japan, including an extra leg at the very end in Tokyo. Of all the performances, three were chosen to be compiled into Blu-Ray releases, which include Day 1 of Gunma, the very first leg, Day 2 of Miyagi, the tenth leg, and Day 2 of the Tokyo extra leg. The three setlists might be similar, but there’s enough small differences in the setlists and the MCs that they’re all worth watching. And of course, there’s the making of footage for the legs, which we’ve also included in the release.
We hope that you’ll enjoy watching the performances from Liella!’s first live tour and relive their first days as they took their very first step forward!
This is a non-profit fan translation. If you enjoyed it, please support Love Live! and Liella! by buying the official Blu-ray if possible.
#### Main Credits
MC TL: DeckardLain
Song TL: xIceArcher
Timing: DeckardLain
Karaoke Timing: xIceArcher
Typeset: Yujacha, Dantalian
Karaoke Timing App: gacha4life
Karaoke Effects: Dyrea
TLC: Chezz, xIceArcher
QC: Dyrea, Yujacha, PokéFanOne
Trailer: Aboon999
Source/Encode: link2110
#### Making of Credits
TL/Timing: xIceArcher
Typeset: Yujacha
TLC/QC: Chezz, Dyrea, Yujacha, PokéFanOne
Source/Encode: link2110
#### FAQ
**Can I have your permission to use your subtitle files to re-translate into another language?**
Absolutely! Just make sure to give credit where appropriate.
**I see a bunch of weird video/subtitle issues.**
Use the newest version of MPV.
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