@Ember_Encodes, do you use different sources for subs thanSupsplease orErai? When the kids call their bro, it sounds "onii" which means bro, but for anybody who stick to subsplease uses the name of the guy: Ichirou. For thr authors the family relations are important, why the translators fucking up the whole concept? I haven't watched your rls, but if you do the same, would you correct these mistakes in your future releases? The other releasers don't even read comments from here.
Ember only encodes shit, his "job" is only to ruin the video by starving it to death
There's nothing to fix in the subs, using the first name is a correct approach for "onii" btw, context matters when translating. Looking up a kanji on jisho is not how you translate cartoons.
@matheousse, if you have any respect about the japanese culture and a some hundred years tradition, you should not decline it. It is just a stupid US tradition to degrade any other cultures. We in Europe respect others values and this is no cartoon, it is an anime.
Spongebob is a cartoon, this is not
Not using a stupid word that almost no one uses IRL is not "degrading/declining" other cultures. A real English person will usually use the first name, not "bro/brother" or whatever shit you may come up with.
Good translations are written with real speech in mind, not 1-to-1 JP structure, because that's not how people actually speak.
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