## Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. + OST, AV1 by **ScarletNeko** ##
### Fixed Episode 02 subtitles, it is not out of order anymore (Although now there is one "Full Subs" track there). If you downloaded the previous version, the only changes were the Episode 02 and the hashes files. Thanks Weebly9 and Lumpstud for that. ###
### **Quick Info** ###
| --- | Source | This Encode |
| --- | :---: | :---: |
| Video Codec | AVC | AV1 |
| Video Format | YUV420P8 | YUV420P10LE |
| Framesize | 1920x1080 | 1920x1080 |
| Audio Codec | PCM_S24BE | WavPack |
| Audio Profile | Lossless | Hybrid Lossy |
| Audio Bitrate | --- | 4.5bps |
| Images Codec | --- | JPEG-XL |
| Images Profile | --- | Lossless |
### Encoders Used ###
Video: `aomenc-av1-lavish 3.6.0 Endless_Merging 2023/03/01`
Audio: `WavPack 5.6.0 x64`
Images: `JPEG XL encoder v0.9.0 91760e3`
Audio CDs: `FLAC version git-2e14bc19 20230503`
### Links ###
Sources: [Main Source](https://nyaa.si/view/1666221 "JP BDMVs") | [OST](https://nyaa.si/view/1672638 "IrizaRaws")
MediaInfo: [Episode 01](https://pastebin.com/whBCFhaY "All episodes follow this pattern")
Subtitles: I'm sorry but [NovaWorks, Nekoyu](https://nyaa.si/view/1666422 "Pulled from Anime Time's release") | [Episode 02 Fix](https://nyaa.si/view/1448243 "NovaWorks")
AniDB: [First Season](https://anidb.net/anime/16300 "古見さんは, コミュ症です.")
### Notes ###
- **This v2 is the exact same as the previous version, except for Episode 02, which now has the fixed subtitles, and the hashes files which got updated of course. If you downloaded the previous version, you only need to update these files!**
- I did looked around and downloaded some other releases, but I don't really know what else to use if not NovaWorks. I'm aware of the controversy surrounding it, but again, I haven't found better subs for it. It was them, or Netflix's... If you know of a better subtitle for this, and possibly, for season 02 (which I will absolutely do once the BDs are available), please share it in the comments.
- Some zoning happened, but in general, CQ12 CPU3 was used. It was my first time encoding from the BDs instead doing a re-encode, and I love this show, so I thought it would be worth it, even though the BD has some issues.
- The OST was re-encoded using `flac -8ep --lax -l 24 -p 4096`, stripped out of the embedded cover art in favor of a single `cover.jpg` file for each album and was added replay gain data for all the tracks.
- **826mb of subs+fonts! 643mb effective since the .ass can be compressed in the container. But yeah, oof.** They do look pretty nice though up to EP07
### Some Words ###
I've had this done for a long time already, but I was feeling weird with the file sizes since it was my first time encoding to such a high quality target. Then I wanted to use 20bit audio but thought it was overkill. But I went overkill on the video, why not go on the audio as well? Also these subtitles, almost 700mb of subs+fonts!? And from a known controversial group! But I can't find anything better! TwT
So yeah this was the hardest encode I ever did, and actually encoding was not even the hard part lol. But I would be dwelling on these decisions forever if I didn't settled on something so I just went for it. The audio is not the almost lossless 20bit I wanted, but it is a significant step up from my usual 2.0bps anyway. The subs, as stated previously, feel free to share a better version here, and I might even include them in when the second season BDs show up as a v3.
I do have some things planned for next, but I should probably go re-do Tsugumomo in 1080p because I still have the sources I used and they are using a lot of space...
As usual, my releases are meant to be watched using **mpv**, preferably on a PC. It probably works on other players as well but that is beyond me.
As someone who works alone (not in any team or group) and is not into any closed circles, it is hard to find things sometimes. If you have something I'm looking for and is willing to share or would like to be encoded but don't know how to do it yourself or just don't want to bother with it, you can talk to me via IRC and I can do it for you! I'm not online 100% of the times there but I do eventually show up.
# Currently looking for the following things! Preferably ISOs but any Raw, Remux, Bloated or Good Encode work. **Very High Priority!** The older the medium it was sourced from or the less censored it is, the better! #
- Urotsukidoji (超神伝説うろつき童子)
- Midori - Shoujo Tsubaki
Comments - 8
ScarletNeko (uploader)
ScarletNeko (uploader)
ScarletNeko (uploader)