# Konjiki no Gash!!
Zatch Bell!, known in Japan as Konjiki no Gash!! is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Raiku. It follows the life of Kiyomaro, a brilliant junior high student whose inflated ego (and tendency to blow the grading curve) has made him a major target for teasing at school. So his father sends him a bizzare birthday present — a strange little boy named Gash Bell — to help him make friends and reform his bad attitude. Gash brings with him a mysterious red volume of spells, and Kiyomaro discovers that Gash has magic powers that are unleashed by reading from the book! But there are more surprises to come, and Kiyomaro’s destiny is about to change forever!*
This is an organized and dedicated project that aims to revive the currently discontinued English translation provided by VIZ Media, while also reviewing said translation and making corrections to the finished version wherever creative liberties were applied. In doing so, we hope to provide a definitive modernized scanlation for the series that is a little more consistent across the board.
It’s also a 2-in-1 release that offers a recreated version of the out-of-print official English volumes that were originally distributed by VIZ Media before they discontinued the series. We have affectionately labeled the NEW translation as the “(SUB)” version… and the recreated VIZ Media translation as the “(DUB)” version. We believe that providing both will give the reader a chance to see all the localization differences firsthand, and the ability to experience the series anew in two different formats!
To access a better organized folder of the ongoing releases + up-to-date scanlated releases of the 2022 sequel, both manga series can be downloaded and read offline as well:
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/VypRgzi.jpg "Chapter 35")
33 volumes in total! As for an estimate for the project's total completion, we can't really give one at this time. This latest volume was delayed pretty significantly when I took an extended break to mourn the loss of my father in June (which was RIGHT when we started volume 4), and then I got hit with Covid a couple weeks ago during the volume's final stretch, which left me too bedridden to do much of anything.
Assuming nothing like that happens again, the completion and subsequent release of volume 5 can be expected anywhere between 1 to 2 and a half months from now.
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ZeonRevival (uploader)
ZeonRevival (uploader)