[FloridaScrubs] Moon Spiral (COMPLETE) (TSUBURAYA)

2023-10-12 23:03 UTC
File size:
653.2 MiB
Info hash:
From Floridaman: > Now as for how this show was archived and the RAW situation. It is sourced from the archive.org upload. However thanks to the encoder at BEREKE SCRUBS. It has had a majority of it’s issues fixed. Before they bizarrely upscaled it to 800p and stretched it to widescreen. The frame rate was also incorrect. Thankfully all these issues have been fixed. Sadly there is one portion where a windows notification sound effect is played (no idea if that was on purpose as a joke or they just didn’t care to fix it) But yeah I was not able to remove that, the laserdisc for this show is near impossible to find lol. No way I’m getting a better archive of it. As for the subs, once again this is pretty much a (mostly) solo job by me, this is no masterpiece but you will understand the god awful writing just fine

File list

  • Moon Spiral
    • [Encode] Moon Spiral - Behind the Scenes [480p] [0C3C9F40].mkv (156.0 MiB)
    • [Florida Scrubs] Moon Spiral 01.mkv (138.6 MiB)
    • [Florida Scrubs] Moon Spiral 02.mkv (134.2 MiB)
    • [Florida Scrubs] Moon Spiral 03.mkv (139.2 MiB)
    • [Florida Scrubs] Moon Spiral 04.mkv (85.2 MiB)