| Tracks | |
| :-------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Video | [OZR] |
| Audio | Japanese 2.0 Opus |
| | English 2.0 Opus |
| Subtitles | Full Subtitles [[Shadow Garden]](https://nyaa.si/view/1639598) (eng) (default) |
| | Signs & Songs (eng) (forced) |
This updated release comes with new encodes of the JPBD. Filtering includes edgefix, rescale, denoise, deband, and regrain.
Encodes should be slightly better and retain some more detail than before. Originally, I was more focused on wiping artifacts.
Subs were taken from [Shadow Garden's](https://nyaa.si/view/1639598) web release and added to the NCs as well. Additionally, I applied the sub fixes reported [here](https://nyaa.si/view/1672887#com-15).
Audio this time around was taken from the JPBD and USBD respectively and encoded to Opus. The dub did have some fixes compared to WEB.
[MediaInfo](https://rentry.co/2ub45) | [Encode Comparisons](https://slow.pics/c/mmN1jgTr)

Ohh, i understand, 1080p HEVC tooks 2-300 MiB per episodes, the remaining 2-2.8 GiB for the subs and english dub.
I always wondered, how people could waste so much time, storage place and bandwith for these garbage.
[@martinx](https://nyaa.si/view/1733895#com-5) sometimes i wonder that too about what's inside the head of people like you. because the brain sure isn't taking that much space
@ChadXBeriz There's no valid reasons to use lossless audio unless it's a remux and someone can actually prove that Opus here isn't audibly transparent (they can't). Also, it seems that the vast majority of people would prefer Opus for releases like these. Might be somewhat biased, but I asked in seadex and out of a sample size of 25 people, only 1 of them preferred FLAC.
In case anyone was curious, one of the dub fixes I noticed was that in E10, around 21:16, they added dialogue that was originally [missing](https://streamable.com/tiuxk1). However, it appears that they also fixed it for WEB now
> Might be somewhat biased, but I asked in seadex
_Somewhat_, heh.
Unless you're poor, there's really no reason to use Opus. Storage is cheap and the space saving from FLAC -> Opus is minimal compared to video. Why even open yourself up to the debate of soup audio _transparently_ degrading and being a worse choice for archiving? You used FLAC in your v1 so kinda weird to regress backwards. Muxing in your old FLAC audio is _only_ ~1.7GB more, which is nothing.

_inb4 you can improve audio_ -- absolutely no one, let alone opus encoders, is committing the cardinal sin of touching audio peaks, equalizing, boosting, graining, or whatever else to audio. Downgrading the audio is always for the most part a worse end result, whether or not you notice.
_inb4 do abx_ -- only opus people have to cope that with their audio you can't tell a difference vs knowing higher bitrate lossless audio is untouched without artifacts. FLAC > Opus > AAC simple as.
> There’s no valid reasons to use lossless audio unless it’s a remux
Anyone taking a remux is likely keeping PCM / Dolby audio anyways. The reason for lossless audio encoding is bit-perfect space saving gains.
@ Mabby
> Unless you’re poor, there’s really no reason to use Opus
It's not about being poor or not having storage space. It's about bloating the audio and taking up space for a literally imperceivable difference within the range of human hearing. This is why no one cares about the "degradation," which also exists btw for most releases using FLAC because the 24 bit source audio is almost always downconverted and dithered to 16 bit. I'm not sure why your chart even includes "FLAC32" because 32 bit integer samples were only introduced to FLAC in 1.4.0 and there are sure as hell no BDs with 32 bit audio.
> being a worse choice for archiving
This whole point of archival is just a meme. Those are what remuxes are for, the untouched audio. The BDRip itself is already lossy.
> Muxing in your old FLAC audio is only ~1.7GB more, which is nothing.
I only had the Japanese track in FLAC previously and that's not "untouched" either. The proper comparison would be the untouched 24 bit Japanese and English tracks converted straight to FLAC, as you prefer it "bit-perfect", and compared to Opus.
> Anyone taking a remux is likely keeping PCM
I don't see why this would be true at all. Vast majority of remuxes are done using FLAC instead of PCM. No one is going to go out of their way to add back PCM to the remux.
Finally, I'm not going to change the audio codec just because one or two schizos in the comments is complaining about it. Everyone else appreciates the free space savings
> yap yap yap

> abx or your whole spiel is irrelevant.
Opus being known as lossy makes abx irrelevant -- you're losing information and downgrading audio whether you can hear it or not. But besides that, don't act like there _aren't_ people who can't hear a difference.

Opus cartel didn't even know I was referring to FLAC 24-bit. FFmpeg stores both 24-bit and 32-bit integer samples in ``s32(p)``,
> It’s about bloating the audio
Still space saving coming from source while maintaining bit-perfect quality.
> FLAC because the 24 bit source audio is almost always downconverted and dithered to 16 bit. I’m not sure why your chart even includes “FLAC32” because 32 bit integer samples were only introduced to FLAC in 1.4.0 and there are sure as hell no BDs with 32 bit audio.
See above. FLAC 16 is also orange because I'm aware dithering to 16 bit loses information. As I mentioned in other torrents discussing this, 24 bit FLAC > 16 bit FLAC but because most people are not going to have a DAC that can reproduce bits higher than ~18 bits on the extreme high end, it's a lesser evil dithering compared to using a lossy encode.
> But besides that, don’t act like there aren’t people who can’t hear a difference.
Dude you literally ABX'd and compared some random ass sample and think you can tell the difference. Furthermore, 320 kbps Opus, assuming that's for 5.1 audio, would be equivalent to 128 kbps for stereo. I'm giving it a decent amount more bitrate than that and yes, there certainly wouldn't be ANY people that could properly tell a difference in this case. I implore you to post your results of this release's Opus audio vs the FLAC audio from my previous release.
> Finally, I’m not going to change the audio codec just because one or two schizos in the comments is complaining about it.
Behold my foresight.
> you’ll still end up using OPUS anyways because who cares about one person’s ABX
Maybe if I ever feel like getting a seedbox. For now I'll stick to randomly QCing broken seadex dumps and hopefully sway "archive-worthy" releases away from stupidity.
> you’ll still end up using OPUS anyways because who cares about one person’s ABX
If you can ABX the Japanese audio from my previous release and this one, providing a proper log, I will delete this release and upload one with FLAC. I don't care if it's one person or not, I have never seen it done on anime samples at these bitrates, or even close to this.
>Unless you’re poor, there’s really no reason to use Opus. Storage is cheap and the space saving from FLAC
YouTube seems pretty rich, I wonder why they use av1 and opus. Storage is cheap, after all. ~~yea yea yea save the semantics~~
> The good thing about FLAC is you don’t need ABX to convince yourself that saving 3% of the file size was worth it.
***per*** release
Out of pure curiosity, I added up all the FLAC GiB totals from my [Komplex](https://nyaa.si/user/Komplex) account, it seems that it comes about to about 127 GiB in just FLAC 24/16 audio. Which isn't as bad as I expected, (probably due to my 16 bit switch) but still a decent amount of what is essentially superfluous data. If I had to guess, I'd probably save about 80-100 GiB if I used Opus instead. Maybe more, maybe less. I'm not really sure what the conversion rate ends up being. I Could probably fit 3-6 more bit-starved shows into that 😂
@Mabby No one will actually listen to you, fucking moron. Stick to commenting on releases you absolute waste of oxygen. Remember, your life is literally worthless, caring so much about FLAC you fucking loser. Rent free.
@solitaryflower the fact that seadex spent their whole day crying shitting and cumming because of a few nyaa comments really tells me "no one is listening". clearly mabby has succeeded at getting under their skin, probably because seadex knows they're right about absolutely everything.
> YouTube seems pretty rich, I wonder why they use av1 and opus.
Why even comment this? It's a ridiculous false equivalence. Alphabet is a profit driven company that makes cost cutting decisions to maximize their yearly gains, which they then sell back to you (enhanced 1080p higher bitrate anyone?). YouTube also gets >500hrs of video uploaded every minute that will never be consumed so every bit they can optimize x ∞ helps. Plus bandwidth savings from smaller sizes. Hopefully people aren't archiving from YouTube's encoding...
> If I had to guess, I’d probably save about 80-100 GiB if I used Opus instead
Maybe if extremely starved. If every release is only ~3% difference like this one, your savings would be significantly less. Price per TB is also <$15 now and only dropping. Just not worth the micro space saving for _maybe "transparent"_ slightly worse audio.
> No one will actually listen to you, fucking moron. Stick to commenting on releases you absolute waste of oxygen. Remember, your life is literally worthless, caring so much about FLAC you fucking loser. Rent free.
At least my mother loves me.
Watching SeaDex chodes hilariously trying so hard to silent Mabby is peak entertainment. So much for “not caring”.
Since when did that Indian discord has the authority to dictate that lossless is useless?
Didn’t most of them have access to RED (you know, that FLAC centric private tracker) that they need to get access to anime PTs (again, full of lossless audio) to begin with? Hypocrite much.
With that said, I like this release, since the filtering is good enough to archive. My only gripe is that the mini specials are not included.
Thanks for the release, Zander. Despite your efforts, I feel like the audio setup here is inferior. I will keep seeding your release while having an extra, glorious uncompressed .wav from the source blu-rays in order to preserve extra audio fidelity.
@wafflescake00 Silent Mabby? We've just asked him to provide an ABX using these anime samples, it's not our fault he went silent on that lmfao. I even gave out the opportunity to take this release down if anyone can provide a non-edited log passing the tests. No one is saying that lossless is useless either, it just provides no audible benefit here over Opus, and no one has been able to prove otherwise. Furthermore, idk why you're bringing up RED when it doesn't even have Opus support. You either get FLAC or MP3. AB, the best and only viable anime PT outside of U2 for disks and encoders, also has tons of Opus releases and it's ever increasing. You can't trump an Opus release with FLAC audio on there either and there can be no coexistence if that is the only difference
Good release thank you!
I think 3gb per episode is slowly becoming the norm so people shouldn't be complaining too much, anime now days have a lot more detail than they did 5-7 years ago. Also hard drives arent as expensive as they used to be.
I think it would be nice to explain to the plebs in the description why the size is so big (noise, dark scenes, etc)
@Simplistic if you care about saving space why would you download a 3GB per episode release in the first place? At this size I would prefer no compromises.
If this were a 600MB per episode release then Opus would be the better choice obviously, but alas, it isn't.
> anime now days have a lot more detail than they did 5-7 years ago
very arguable tbh lmao
It's mostly just that there are way less active encoders and most of the remaining (english) ones are more or less in the same circles. Encode standards a few years back were also just way lower.
>I think 3gb per episode is slowly becoming the norm so people shouldn’t be complaining too much, anime now days have a lot more detail than they did 5-7 years ago.
outside of the random anime with tons of noise/fake grain, not really. lots of encoders just love their bloat. it's also funny how almost all of them use HEVC too. i thought it was supposed to be more efficient.
>Why even comment this?
The efficiency argument still stands, I could drive a car that gets 5mpg because gas is cheap, or I could drive one that gets 45 and save money and *resources* in the longer run.
>if you care about saving space why would you download a 3GB per episode release in the first place?
I've got no fookin clue man, which is why this argument is funny to me. If you're already downloading this much bloat, as long as FLAC isn't 30% of your file size it really shouldn't matter.
> If this were a 600MB per episode release then Opus would be the better choice obviously, but alas, it isn’t.
Due to how much I bit starve my shows, FLAC usually ends up being 30-50% of my file size
>lots of encoders just love their bloat. it’s also funny how almost all of them use HEVC too. i thought it was supposed to be more efficient.
They'd probably be larger than remux's if they weren't lmao
>abx log where
please show me where i claimed to be able to hear the difference
>lots of encoders just love their bloat. it’s also funny how almost all of them use HEVC too. i thought it was supposed to be more efficient.
> outside of the random anime with tons of noise/fake grain, not really. lots of encoders just love their bloat. it’s also funny how almost all of them use HEVC too. i thought it was supposed to be more efficient.
Not really bloat, if you looked at older groups that actually cared about quality you'll see the filesizes arent much different now than from back then. Yousei-raws for example was good for their time (of course they were limited much more by technical limitations and as such not "great" anymore) but you can see their filesizes are very similar to encodes today...
And as for the HEVC comment, it is more efficient. People are just opting to get higher quality out of the same filesizes rather than trying to push bitrates lower.
Just chiming in to say that although it's difficult to tell whether one codec is more efficient than another when doing crf 14 no-*tree encodes, it does seem like HEVC is more efficient than AVC when you compare old large russian encodes to modern HEVC encodes of the same show.
> very arguable tbh lmao. It’s mostly just that there are way less active encoders and most of the remaining (english) ones are more or less in the same circles
It was an observation I made that shows nowdays have more digital effects, detailed character models and generally more stuff happening on screen than say like a decade ago. I am not an encoder though so if an encoder says these dont result in file size increase then maybe it doesnt.
> lots of encoders just love their bloat
I mean the only choice we have nowdays on this website is unfiltered garbage, or VCB encodes which make my eyes bleed with very noticeable banding, blocking and aliasing, or these bloated encodes which might have large file sizes but at least look decent and dont hurt my eyes, so its an obvious choice for me.
They do affect filesizes, but heavy fx spam has always been a thing. Though [some](https://animethemes.moe/anime/baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu/OP-NCBD1080) [studios](https://animethemes.moe/anime/c3/OP2-NCBD1080) [are](https://animethemes.moe/anime/watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui/OP-NCBD1080) [definitely](https://animethemes.moe/anime/fatekaleid_liner_prismaillya_2wei_herz/OP-NCBD1080) [more](https://animethemes.moe/anime/kamisama_no_inai_nichiyoubi/OP-NCBD1080) [guilty](https://animethemes.moe/anime/mahouka_koukou_no_rettousei/OP1-NCBD1080) [of](https://animethemes.moe/anime/no_game_no_life/OP1-NCBD1080) [spamming](https://animethemes.moe/anime/kanon_2006/OP-NCBD1080) [fx](https://animethemes.moe/anime/free/OP-NCBD1080) [than](https://animethemes.moe/anime/nichijou/OP2-NCBD1080) [others](https://animethemes.moe/anime/hibike_euphonium/OP-NCBD1080). But really, outside of constant particle spam, persistently strong dithering/graining is usually overall more impactful than fx (constant bitrate increase vs. spikes), and this is something I notice is often much stronger on older titles than newer ones. Of course exceptions still exist, like shows that spam both noise-like fx and particles at every given opportunity.
In terms of "more detail", I think saying that newer shows being naturally sharper than most earlier digital productions before is definitely one of many reasons some newer titles may compress worse than older ones, but as per usual when it comes to video encoding, it's a lot more nuanced than that. Frequency of vfx, how complex they are (incl. how good/poorly they compress), etc. all play *a* role in this as well, but so do motion, dithering, number of dark scenes, compression noise, etc. And of course, a number of modern-day encoders caring a lot more about image fidelity than they did back in those days helps in increasing overall filesizes.
>I mean the only choice we have nowdays on this website is unfiltered garbage, or VCB encodes which make my eyes bleed with very noticeable banding, blocking and aliasing
Comments like these always make me wonder if people are just watching anime on horribly calibrated displays, or if people are watching slideshows.
> Comments like these always make me wonder if people are just watching anime on horribly calibrated displays
I own a 1100$ LG 32GQ950 which is like in top 5% monitor displays on the market and has a VESA certified HDR 1000 rating lol. If u cant see the ton of issues in VCB encodes then you either watch on a shitty 8bit laptop screen or a cheap monitor with a lackluster VA panel.
Either way, if u cant see these very noticable artefacts then there is no point in joining in on the conversation. Go enjoy your minis.
> In terms of “more detail”, I think saying that newer shows being naturally sharper than most earlier digital productions before is definitely one of many reasons some newer titles may compress worse than older ones, but as per usual when it comes to video encoding, it’s a lot more nuanced than that. Frequency of vfx, how complex they are (incl. how good/poorly they compress), etc. all play a role in this as well, but so do motion, dithering, number of dark scenes, compression noise, etc. And of course, a number of modern-day encoders caring a lot more about image fidelity than they did back in those days helps in increasing overall filesizes.
Thanks for the great explanation :)
>a shitty 8bit laptop screen or a cheap monitor with a lackluster VA panel.
A x24ih color calibrated to 200 nits, which is about your average IPS panel, but it's no 4k monitor like yours (probably doesn't matter). So I guess that's ruled out.
>If u cant see the ton of issues in VCB encodes
Don't watch many of them tbf, nor do I have the eye to care. Maybe if I spoke Japanese and didn't have my eyes glued on subtitles I'd have time to care.
>Go enjoy your minis.
yes, I will enjoy my mediums. 👍
> Since when did that Indian discord has the authority to dictate that lossless is useless?
@wafflescake00 sir, i remember asking you for an abx test 6 months ago.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,. where the test?????

> @wafflescake00 sir, i remember asking you for an abx test 6 months ago.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. where the test???

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