Source is; [hchcsen](

Note; Compilation Movies for 0079 are from animepacks gundam release and only these are 720p.
I used handbrake for encoding these (10 bit nvenc for x265, amd vce for av1). I didnt use any filter except zeta gundam compilation movies. I still dont know how to use ffmpeg btw.
Basically; 0079 encoded with x265. (dual audio and dual subs)
0079 compilation movies are from animepack like i said (tri audio and tri subs)
zeta gundam encoded with av1 (except episode 22-not big deal i just forgot and did one as x265) (dual audio and dual subs)
zeta gundam compilation movies encoded with x265 (only japanese audio and english sub)
zz gundam encoded with av1 (only japanese audio and english sub)
chars counterattack encoded with av1 (four audio and for subs)
unicorn encoded with x265 (dual audio and dual subs)
narrative encoded with av1 (dual audio and dual subs)
hathaway encoded with x265 (tri audio and dual subs)
f91 encoded with av1 (dual audio and dual subs)
victory gundam encoded with av1 (only japanese audio and english sub)
When ordering i used hchcsen's order which i added image above. If this wrong please correct me.

-this one from animepacks release

**İmages not ordered
more images are here;
> When ordering i used hchcsen’s order which i added image above. If this wrong please correct me.
The main problem is see is putting the Zeta movie trilogy as an alternate version of the show rather than the companion piece they are as they have a different ending than the actual show
@hchcsen I didnt know that. So Compilation is a wrong name for zeta movies. I should use only movies title not compilation movies title. But i cant change that one so after finished downloading you can renaming.
@im planning but it will take time.
@neko ??? Is there a problem with that? I check many chapters with original ones after encoding and i didnt see any big difference. Of course im not saying its perfect and i konw there are plenty people who can make a lot of better encode.
Comments - 6
drgn (uploader)
drgn (uploader)