A v0 of Totoro encoded from the [GKIDS DCP](https://nyaa.si/view/1760839). DCI XYZ' to Rec. 709 3D LUT has been applied, output kept full range.
There are still differences in color compared to BDs, as such, v0, but it is somewhat watchable.
Warning, this encode is the ultimate AV1 bloat. Source is noisy and kept very low `cq-level=12` to attempt to match it, and disabled grain synthesis. It's also 12-bit 4:4:4, which dav1d decoder doesn't have the best optimizations for, but gave it a few columns/rows to have nicer parallelized decode. Encode took ""just"" 32h 14m 50s at `cpu-used=3`, but as always many trashed partial encodes exist.
### TBD for v1:
* Re-check and verify DCI XYZ' to Rec. 709 conversion. Currently this was applied via DaVinci Resolve, and produced 16-bit TIFF sequences to encode from there, like on [Sol Levante](https://nyaa.si/view/1468610)
* Attempt to output into Rec. 2020 colorspace properly.
* Have colors checked by someone not colorblind.
* Get enlighten by someone for the "proper way". ffmpeg had other fun issues dealing with XYZ itself, so most of the conversion was done in Resolve.
* Better subtitle color-matching and resample to crop.
* Try to remove a few lingering hardsubs on DCP source (ending title, or catbus scroll signs).
* Compare both non-hardsubbed sections of the two DCP and see if any differences exist (and pick best?)
* high effort: Undo "crop" via using BD for outer border. Also the opening has different crop than feature.
* Provide also a filtered encode (or with grain synthesis in AOM) without all the noise baked in, at partial range, lower bitdepth / chroma subsampling for wider decode support.
### Contents:
* DCI XYZ' to Rec. 709 color conversion
* 12-bit 4:4:4 AV1 encode via libaom v3.8.0
* Brought DCP content (A/V/S) from 24fps to 23.976fps to match other content
* English 24-bit 5.0 dub from DCP. The low-frequency channel was empty in the stream, but at least all the other tracks are legit and not mono into stereo.
* Japanese 24-bit 2.0 from 2012 JP BD, synced
* Used [nedragrevev subs](https://github.com/nedragrevev/custom-subs/tree/master/Studio%20Ghibli%EF%BC%8FPre-Ghibli), resampled to resolution and crop, edited, synced, with a few signs color adjusted
* Added GKIDS DCP Closed Caption Dubtitles
* [Mediainfo](https://zerobin.net/?0b4fd6d05296cf98#bfugXHLZA/KR88v49ejmgSf7cC1ns84G6CyIuq/bbbI=)

Comments - 7
DataHoarder (uploader)