This is the 2001-2002 TV anime adaptation of the CLAMP manga X/1999, usually referred to as "X" or "X TV". Not to be confused with the movie adaptation, "X/1999". All names have been used to label this torrent because searching for a single-letter series name is very difficult.
Another DVD-only series with no full-quality source, so again putting up the DVD ISOs before the discs rot for anyone who might make use of them. 8x DVD set that Pioneer/Geneon released in USA back in the early 2000s. As far as I know this is the best quality source available. Disc 1 includes the X OVA (prequel) as 'episode 0'.
If you are looking to download these to watch, they are dual audio (English / Japanese) and have two subtitle tracks (English Signs / English Dialogue). Mount the ISO and it’ll play as a DVD, or run it through MakeMKV if you want regular MKV files.
![X Vol 1](![X Vol 2](![X Vol 3](![X Vol 4](
![X Vol 5](![X Vol 6](![X Vol 7](![X Vol 8](
Comments - 4
Clarice (uploader)