I deleted old one since last 3 chapters not included. This one included all 8 chapters but Rei. I couldnt convert Rei so i skipped.
i played first chapter for a while, i only occured one issue. There is a missing voice file but i couldnt find missing file even 07thmods site. Missing voice file is "990200036" you can see at below. You only miss one voiced dialogue but you'll see the line. I'm not sure if you will occur another voice issue like this but i cant help about it.
Note: i didnt check all chapters but there should be no problem except this voice issue i mentioned above.
As you see 990200036 is missing so that line not voiced

İmage footage from my vita

### Installation is simple;
just put HIGURASHI folder into your vita's ux0/data folder it should be like this ux0:/data/HIGURASHI and run vpk.
I forgot: Create Games folder in HIGURASHI and put converted files into this Games folder. It should be like this ux0/data/HIGURASHI/Games/StreamingAssets_0x
Epic great work. As stated before it would be nice if you could do this for umineko as well but lord know how much time you'd need for that. Thank you for this.
I have all 8 Higurashi chapters in my steam library i recommend those with 07th mod. Use Full version of 07th not only voices. Since i wanna play on my vita i converted and shared.
Bad compilation.
There are a handful of missing voicelines sprinkled throughout which isn't a major issue, maybe they don't exist by default anywhere, but there's a bug during Wataganashi Day 12 and the script crashes
LoneLoser they are defaultly missing i was searched almost all internet and i couldnt find missing voicelines. For the second issue; try this
Comments - 6
drgn (uploader)
drgn (uploader)