Project DIVA PC with English translated Project DIVA 2nd style interface
Freeware PC Rhythm-game about Vocaloids based on the PSP-game Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA.
**Update 24.04.2013**
**New version 3.3 of Project DIVA PC HD is available for download!**
**Update 08.02.2013**
**New version 3.2 of Project DIVA PC HD with HD song pack is available for download!**
Now with fullscreen support, built-in video converter and more.

HD version is compatible with all songs from the standard version, but also you can download songs with HD video
If you have a problem with the video, try to switch to the fullscreen mode in options. If you have this problem anyway, try to switch the "video quality" to 1, to force the game to re-encode the video to another format.
Now we have official Project Diva PC Wiki!
Project Diva PC was created by Gamemaster <http://www.gamemastercn.com/>
Gameplay and interface are similar to the PSP version.
Newer song packs for Project Diva PC:
1) [//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=184104](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=184104)
2) [\#191174](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=191174)
3) [\#196802](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=196802)
4) [\#204836](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=204836)
5) [\#211713](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=211713)
6) [\#218107](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=218107)
7) [\#224785](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=224785)
8) [\#233039](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=233039)
9) [\#241666](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=241666)
10) [\#249401](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=249401)
11) [\#264045](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=264045)
12) [\#282521](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=282521)

Default controls:
W - triangle
A - square
S - cross
D - circle
and arrow keys
P - play PV
L - auto mode
Enter key is required to navigate in main menu.
Original interface was replaced with **[Project DIVA 2nd style interface](http://map.divaol.com/index.php?title=Diva_2nd_interface_for_Project_Diva_PC/en)** and was translated from Chinese to English. The only difference between and patch is a sound volume level in 004.World is Mine (Game Edit). But is not an official patch.
The main archive contains the following songs:
001.Kouya to Mori to Mahou no Uta
002.Star Story (Game edit)
003.The secret garden (OP Ver.)
004.World is Mine (Game Edit)
005.Vocaloid in love (Game\_Edit)
006.Look this way, Baby (Short Ver.)
007.Dear cocoa girls
008.Ievan Polkka (Game Edit)
009.Melt (Game Edit)
010.Kogane no Seiya Sousetsu ni Kuchite (Game Edit)
011.World's End Dancehall
012.Nekomimi Switch
013.one night girl
016.Romeo to Cinderella
017.HATSUNE Miku no Tomadoi -The Confusion of HM
019.Last Night, Good Night
020.The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku (Game Edit)
021.White Snow Princess
022.Love Circulation
023.life size
025.Ryuusei -Across the starlight-
026.Coward Mont Blanc
028.Fly to the Moon
030.Ai Kotoba
031.Ura-Omote Lovers
039.Hatsune Miku Nekomimi Switch MMD
And additional archives in this torrent contain 115 songs, such as
Stargazer, Black Rock Shooter, Just be Friends, Double Lariat, PoPiPo, White letter, Electric Angel, From Y to Y, Mosaic Roll and so on.
034.Kero (9) Destiny
035.I Wanna Be Your World
035.Yellow(Game Edit)
036.Kimi no Taion
037.120000 Of Happiness
041.Mosaic Roll
042.fripSide - future gazer
042.Hatsune Miku - HELLO, PLANET
043.Vertex PSI
044.Hatsune Miku - Lost and Found
045.New World
047.Hatsune Miku - Hello(capsule)
049.Spatial Sense Goodbye
050.When the First Love Ends (Game Edit)
052.StargazeR(live in 39's giving day)
054.Torinoko City
055.First Love Regret
056.Black Rock Shooter(Original)
057.Black Rock Shooter(2M MIX)
058.Black Rock Shooter(Double Mix)
059.The Intense Singing of Hatsune Miku (Game Editor)
060.STROBO NIGHTS (Game\_Edit)
061.Miku-Mikku Miku ni Shite Ageru
062.Yuuhi Zaka - Sunset hill
063.Look this way, Baby (full Ver.)
065.16 -d2 mix- (Game Edit)
066.Regret mesagge - Kagamine Rin
068.kagamine Len - Monochrome Monologue
069.Just be Friends
073.Migikata No Chou(live in 39's giving day)
073.Rin Kagamine - Migikata No Chou (Game Edit)
074.(CN) One Side Love
103.Hatsukoi limited
343.Kasou Kyoku\_reject
Black Jack Bomber
Cantarella (Game Edit)
Chaining Intention
change me(Game Edit)
Colorful x Melody(Game Edit)
Corruption Garden
Cosmic Star
Dear cocoa girls(live in 39's giving day)
Double Lariat
Electric Angel(Game Edit)
Electric Love
Encounter The Angel (K-ON!)
Fallen Angel - EZ2ON
from Y to Y
Gemini(Game Edit)
Hajimete no Oto (Game Edit)
Hello How Are You
Hi Kaminari Shin
Hide and Seek
I’m Your Diva
Innocence(Game Edit)
Interstellar flight
It is!
Just be Friends(DIVA Ver.)
Kyodai Shoujo
Last Song
Loud s“PEAK”er
Love list koushinchuu (Game Edit)
Magnet PV
MELT (live in 39's giving day)
Moonlight Restaurant
Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro
Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro(DIVA Ver.)
Nisoku Hokou
Online Game Addicts Sprechchor
Our love
Over the last several days
Promise(Game Edit)
Promise(live in 39's giving day)
Recycle Bin
Romeo to Cinderella (live in 39's giving day)
Runaway computer
slight light
sorano sakana
Survivor Survival
Sutra Collection
Tenpai Love
The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku (live in 39's giving day)
The Intense Singing of Hatsune Miku (LONG VERSION)
The Story You Don't Know
Tiger Rampage
Vocaloid in Love (live in 39's giving day)
VOiCE-DIVA MIX-(Game Edit)
what bout my star
White Letter
World is mine (live in 39's giving day)
You and me and strawberry milk
Your hands, my hands
Songs based not only on PSP videos, but on original PVs and videos from 39's giving day concert.
Extract Project DIVA PC.rar somewhere, extract additional songs to song folder.
You may need [K-lite codec pack](http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm) or [Vistacodecs+ffdshow](http://shark007.net/vistacodecpackage.html) for XP or [win7codecs](http://shark007.net/win7codecs.html) or something similar installed in order to run a game.
for more information and newer songs please visit <http://vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/topic/4718-project-diva-pc-version-chinese/>
**Known issues:**
1) If you get message "Error while read texture ...\\Project Diva PC\\pic\\cg\\... Program will exit." at the start of the program, you should delete these folders: \\Project Diva PC\\pic\\cg\\3\\ and \\Project Diva PC\\pic\\cg\\5\\ .
2) If you noticed that symbols in all songs are moving twice slower (or faster) and absolutely don't sync with music, it's most likely that your system has a wrong value of the Windows multimedia timer. This problem was fixed in version, you can get it here **[Project Diva PC](http://map.divaol.com/index.php?title=English_version_of_Project_Diva_PC/en)**
3) If you get an error while trying to start any song, try to change preferred DirectShow show source filter for .avi.
For K-lite:
1)Run "\\K-lite Codec Pack\\Codec Tweak Tool\\Manage preferred DirectShow source filters" from the start menu;
2)For .AVI switch to "Microsoft (recommended)"
It seems like the game won't work properly if you are using Haali filter.
4)If your **video separates from the game screen** (ActiveMovie Window appears) try to install older version of **ffdshow** (you need any version lower than **1.00.3765**, for example **[ffdshow\_rev3757\_20110209](http://www.videohelp.com/download/ffdshow_rev3757_20110209_clsid.exe)** )
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