And the BD. Encode from VCB. Changes since web batch include attempt to make names consistent (may have missed some). Episode 6 had "next episode" segment added (because it was missing in web, due to the hiatus the show went on). Episode 7 had OP added to it, which made the episode itself longer, so subs had to be shifted. There's probably some other fixes not worth documenting.
As for Part 2 upcoming season. Unfortunately, Part 2 airs at the same time as Slime Season 3. After pondering about it for some time, I chose to only focus on Slime and do Part 2 of Misfit just for BDs.
Please note, that I only support [mpv](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/) to play the files correctly, so use that! If you find any errors in translation or TS, please let me know.
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