Happy April Fools' Day, motherfuckers.
The joke is that we're only doing one episode.
If you want more episodes, do it yourself™.
No notes on the encode, we just used CR.
However, I do have some editing notes instead.
* I wanted to render their ワンダフルー catchphrase as "Terruffic" to at least *somewhat* address the pun, but this was instantly thwarted by the fact that IT'S IN THE DAMN TITLE
* Small difference between the honorific and non-honorific tracks:
* The non-honorifics track has the ガルガル saying "huff" and "puff" just so I can have fun with one of the lines later in the episode.
* The honorifics track has it going "garr" and "growl", which was our attempt at trying to adapt the monster saying its own name as "Garrgrowl". Get it? It's like gargoyle.
* If we were to do more episodes, the monsters would be called "Garrgrowls". But since we're not doing more episodes, we don't have to worry about that :^)
Also, slightly fancier song styling than what we had for Hirogaru.
Here's our staff:
TLC, Song TLC: UMT-san
Timing, Editing, TS, Song Styling: Falloree
QC: petzku
The motivation for this project was that we thought it'd be funny.

Comments - 9
Falloree (uploader)
Falloree (uploader)