**These are the uncensored digital store chapters released by Square Enix outside the Manga UP! App – therefore these are tagged with (uncensored).**
Chapters provided by DigitalMangaFan, denoised, grayscaled, and lossless optimized x2231 **PNG** images.
*These compiled volumes include raw pages from the Japanese volumes to keep the page count and numbering correct for ‘complete’ tank-style volumes.*
- These volumes start with **right-side page** first (no inner cover page), start with **two** pages on dual-view readers for correct page order.
- All image filenames are tagged and are having page numbers according to the ToC.
- The volume omakes (v01-08) are translated by various scanlation groups (NekoNet, Koolio, and Varrel), see the volume credit page for details.
**PRE REMOVAL: Chapter 50 in volume 9 is now from digital source and not an app web-rip anymore.**
Hopefully the scanlation group Varrel will translate the volume 9 omake at some point, as it is currently untranslated.
Volumes 01-09 contain chapters 001-050.

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