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[ZG] Doraemon 1979 - 50th Anniversary Special (RAW) (1080p) (AAC 2.0) - Day 1
2024-05-12 17:06 UTC
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File size:
7.1 GiB
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A brand-new encoding of the 1979 episodes of the Doraemon 50th Anniversary Special, featuring better quality, organization, and smaller file sizes. Seeding may take a long time, so please be patient. As always, I can only seed for a short time, so please download and seed as much as possible if you want to see these preserved. :) Episode list: Part 1 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:---:|:----------------------------:|:------------------------------------:| | 1 | ゆめの町ノビタランド | Dream Town, Nobita Land | | 3 | テストにアンキパン | Memorization Bread for Testing | | 4 | N・Sワッペン | N・S Badges | | 5 | ころばし屋 | Knockdown Hitman | | 6 | のび太のおよめさん | Nobita's Bride | | 7 | ドラえもんの大予言 | Doraemon's Prediction | | 8 | 恐竜ハンター | Dinosaur Hunter | | 9 | 悪魔のパスポート | Evil Passport | | 11 | のろいのカメラ | Cursing Camera | | 15 | 一生に一度は百点を | I Got 100, For Once in My Life... | | 17 | タイムふろしき | The Time Cloth | | 20 | ナイヘヤドア | Secret Room Door | | 21 | 走れ!ウマタケ | Run! Bamboo Horse! | | 22 | ああ、好き、好き、好き | Ah, Love, Love, Love! | | 24 | ご先祖様がんばれ | Ancestors, Come On | | 26 | (秘)スパイ大作戦 | Top Secret Spy Operation | | 27 | キャンデーなめて歌手になろう | I'll Become a Singer By Eating Candy | | 34 | 白ゆりのような女の子 | A Girl Like a White Lilly | Part 2 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:---:|:--------------------------:|:---------------------------------------:| | 45 | ぼくをぼくの先生に | I'll Be My Own Teacher | | 46 | 未知とのそうぐう機 | The Strange Encounter Machine | | 47 | かがみの中ののび太 | Nobita in the Mirror | | 52 | アパートの木 | The Apartment Tree | | 54 | タイムマシンで犯人を | Catch the Culprit with the Time Machine | | 55 | けん銃王コンテスト | The King of Sharpshooting Contest | | 58 | のび太漂流記 | Nobita's Castaway Story | | 60 | つづきスプレー | The Continuation Spray | | 63 | 声のかたまり | The Voice Thickener | | 65 | ラジコン大海戦 | The Big R/C Naval Battle | | 68 | 未来世界の怪人 | The Mysterious Person from the Future | | 74 | ソノウソホント | The Lying Beak | | 78 | ニセ宇宙人 | The Fake Alien | | 79 | ほんもの図鑑 | The Encyclopedia of Real Things | | 81 | ぼくの生まれた日 | The Day When I Was Born | | 85 | ゆうれいの干物 | Dried Ghost | | 91 | ゆうれい城へ引っこし(前) | Moving to a Haunted Castle (part 1) | | 92 | ゆうれい城へ引っこし(後) | Moving to a Haunted Castle (part 2) | Part 3 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:---:|:------------------:|:------------------------------:| | 71 | 人生やりなおし機 | The Life Do-Over Machine | | 93 | ドンブラ粉 | Swimming Powder | | 94 | あいあいパラソル | Love Love Parasol | | 97 | おおかみ男クリーム | Werewolf Cream | | 101 | どくさいスイッチ | The Dictator Switch | | 139 | 進化退化放射線源 | The Progession/Regression Beam | | 150 | ネズミとばくだん | The Mouse and The Bomb | | 151 | ソウナルじょう | The Just-As-You-Said Pills | | 152 | エスパーぼうし | The ESPer Hat | | 155 | 名刀「電光丸」 | Legendary Sword "Denkoumaru" | | 157 | ミチビキエンゼル | The Guidance Angel | | 159 | 台風のフー子 | Fuuko the Typhoon | | 164 | 石ころぼうし | The Stone Cap | | 184 | アベコンベ | The Inverser | | 190 | スケジュールどけい | The Schedule Clock | | 202 | きせかえカメラ | The Dress-Up Camera | | 231 | バイバイン | Multiplication Liquid | | 256 | もしもボックス | The What-If Phone Box | Part 4 | **EP#** | **Japanese Title** | **Translated Title** | |:-------:|:---------------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------:| | 303 | 恐怖!!ゴルゴンの首 | The Head of the Gorgon!! | | 313 | 税金鳥 | The Tax Bird | | 338 | デラックスライト | Deluxe Light | | 351 | とりよせバッグ | Convenient Bag | | 393 | もも太郎印きびだんご | Momotaro Jirushi's Millet Dumplings | | 427 | 通りぬけフープ | The Pass-Through Hoop | | 436 | 水よけロープ | Watertight Rope | | 585 | まあまあ棒 | Now-Now Stick | | 628 | 神さまロボット | Kami Robot | | 699 | インスタントロボット | Instant Robot | | 714 | 宇宙救命ボート | Space Lifeboat | | 773 | 四次元ポケットのスペア | Spare 4D Pocket | | S06 | おまたせ ドラミちゃん初登場! のび太の海底ハイキング | Dorami-chan's First Appearance! Nobita's Undersea Hike | Part 5 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:----:|:------------------:|:-----------------------------:| | 821 | 刷りこみたまご | The Imprinting Egg | | 841 | 架空人物たまご | Fictional Character Eggs | | 849 | 入れかえロープ | The Substitution Rope | | 912 | 木こりの泉 | The Lumberjack's Pool | | 971 | 断層ビジョン | Fault Vision | | 981 | 糸なし糸電話 | The Stringless String Phone | | 986 | なんでも操縦機 | Anything Pilot | | 1214 | アラビンのランプ | Aladdin's Lamp | | 1296 | かべ景色きりかえ機 | The Wallpaper Scenery Changer | | 1339 | お医者さんカバン | The Doctor's Bag |
File list
Day 1
Part 1
1 - Dream Town, Nobita Land.mkv
(110.8 MiB)
11 - Cursing Camera.mkv
(119.4 MiB)
15 - I Got 100, For Once in My Life.mkv
(77.4 MiB)
17 - The Time Cloth.mkv
(75.5 MiB)
20 - Secret Room Door.mkv
(61.7 MiB)
21 - Run! Bamboo Horse!.mkv
(74.9 MiB)
22 - Ah, Love, Love, Love!.mkv
(90.6 MiB)
24 - Ancestors, Come On.mkv
(86.8 MiB)
26 - Top Secret Spy Operation.mkv
(78.1 MiB)
27 - I'll Become a Singer By Eating Candy.mkv
(84.9 MiB)
3 - Memorization Bread for Testing.mkv
(110.0 MiB)
34 - A Girl Like a White Lilly.mkv
(83.1 MiB)
4 - N・S Badges.mkv
(119.6 MiB)
5 - Knockdown Hitman.mkv
(91.3 MiB)
6 - Nobita's Bride.mkv
(95.1 MiB)
7 - Doraemon's Prediction.mkv
(97.5 MiB)
8 - Dinosaur Hunter.mkv
(104.4 MiB)
9 - Evil Passport.mkv
(100.2 MiB)
Part 2
45 - I'll Be My Own Teacher.mkv
(77.7 MiB)
46 - The Strange Encounter Machine.mkv
(72.6 MiB)
47 - Nobita in the Mirror.mkv
(80.0 MiB)
52 - The Apartment Tree.mkv
(76.8 MiB)
54 - Catch the Culprit with the Time Machine.mkv
(86.1 MiB)
55 - The King of Sharpshooting Contest.mkv
(71.6 MiB)
58 - Nobita's Castaway Story.mkv
(70.2 MiB)
60 - The Continuation Spray.mkv
(75.5 MiB)
63 - The Voice Thickener.mkv
(76.0 MiB)
65 - The Big RC Naval Battle.mkv
(101.3 MiB)
68 - The Mysterious Person from the Future.mkv
(68.4 MiB)
74 - The Lying Beak.mkv
(67.2 MiB)
78 - The Fake Alien.mkv
(56.3 MiB)
79 - The Encyclopedia of Real Things.mkv
(81.2 MiB)
81 - The Day When I Was Born.mkv
(72.5 MiB)
85 - Dried Ghost.mkv
(59.6 MiB)
91 - Moving to a Haunted Castle (Part 1).mkv
(63.0 MiB)
91 - Moving to a Haunted Castle (Part 2).mkv
(66.7 MiB)
Part 3
101 - The Dictator Switch.mkv
(65.8 MiB)
139 - The Progression-Regression Beam.mkv
(69.5 MiB)
150 - The Mouse and The Bomb.mkv
(67.7 MiB)
151 - The Just-As-You-Said Pills.mkv
(78.0 MiB)
152 - The ESPer Hat.mkv
(70.2 MiB)
155 - Legendary Sword Denkoumaru.mkv
(79.2 MiB)
157 - The Guidance Angel.mkv
(70.6 MiB)
159 - Fuuko the Typhoon.mkv
(69.7 MiB)
164 - The Stone Cap.mkv
(67.2 MiB)
184 - The Inverser.mkv
(69.4 MiB)
190 - The Schedule Clock.mkv
(84.7 MiB)
202 - The Dress-Up Camera.mkv
(66.6 MiB)
231 - Multiplication Liquid.mkv
(68.6 MiB)
256 - The What-If Phone Box.mkv
(78.4 MiB)
71 - The Life Do-Over Machine.mkv
(65.3 MiB)
93 - Swimming Powder.mkv
(63.7 MiB)
94 - Love Love Parasol.mkv
(99.4 MiB)
97 - Werewolf Cream.mkv
(66.2 MiB)
Part 4
303 - The Head of the Gorgon.mkv
(95.2 MiB)
313 - The Tax Bird.mkv
(95.5 MiB)
338 - Deluxe Light.mkv
(81.1 MiB)
351 - Convenient Bag.mkv
(84.0 MiB)
393 - Momotaro Jirushi's Millet Dumplings.mkv
(92.6 MiB)
427 - The Pass-Through Hoop.mkv
(94.7 MiB)
436 - Watertight Rope.mkv
(95.3 MiB)
585 - Now-Now Stick.mkv
(101.9 MiB)
628 - Kami Robot.mkv
(232.4 MiB)
699 - Instant Robot.mkv
(102.6 MiB)
714 - Space Lifeboat.mkv
(202.0 MiB)
773 - Spare 4D Pocket.mkv
(164.5 MiB)
S06 - Nobita's Undersea Hike.mkv
(368.0 MiB)
Part 5
1214 - Aladdin's Lamp.mkv
(123.8 MiB)
1296 - The Wallpaper Scenery Changer.mkv
(111.7 MiB)
1339 - The Doctor's Bag.mkv
(104.1 MiB)
821 - The Imprinting Egg.mkv
(139.3 MiB)
841 - Fictional Character Eggs.mkv
(76.5 MiB)
849 - The Substitution Rope.mkv
(112.7 MiB)
912 - The Lumberjack's Pool.mkv
(79.2 MiB)
971 - Fault Vision.mkv
(123.1 MiB)
981 - The Stringless String Phone.mkv
(67.8 MiB)
986 - Anything Pilot.mkv
(205.2 MiB)
Comments - 2
2024-05-16 13:24 UTC
please redo all days episodes, you could've encoded using hevc, it would have given better quality at less size
2024-05-18 16:44 UTC
I know it would, but x264 is more widely compatible, at least for now, and that's what I was going for. Besides, you have no idea how many months it took me to encode them this time. I might eventually redo them, but not for quite a while.
Comments - 2
Zeke_Green (uploader)