[Team Mirolo] Dragon Ball Z Kai - The Final Chapters - Color adjusted [x264][1080p][V2]

2024-12-09 16:43 UTC
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236.3 GiB
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![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/SnwBdVx/Team-Mirolo.png) ____ #### This is the V2 of our color adjusted version of DBZ Kai TFC. #### While a global filter was applied to all episodes on V1, we worked on every single episode for this V2, achieving more accuracy and consistency throughout the serie. ____ ![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/LZsmTMf/DBZ-KAI-TFC-COLOR-ADJUSTED-V2-TEAM-MIROLO.jpg) | Video source | Resolution | Encoder | CRF | Encoding settings| |---------------------------|------------|---------|-----|-----------------------------------------------| | Funimation US Blu-ray | 1080p | x264 | 13 | [Mediainfo](https://pastebin.com/raw/qL4X43BW)| #### We used the US Blu-ray instead of the Japanese Blu-ray because the latter have a harsh and unappealing sharpening filter applied to the image. Additionally, episodes 099 to 106 are edited differently in the Japanese version compared to the international release, making it impossible to synchronize the English audio with those episodes. | Audio source | Language | Encoder | Channels| |---------------------------|----------|-------------|---------------| | Funimation US Blu-ray | Japanese | FLAC | 2.0 | | Funimation US Blu-ray | English | FLAC | 5.1 | | Subtitles source | Language | Format| |---------------------------|----------|-------------|---------------| | Funimation US Blu-ray | English| ASS | - ### Color adjustment Dragon Ball Kai TFC suffers of an unpleasant green tint and some other visual imperfections. We shifted hues, curves and other things, to fix main issues as much as possible. #### **Disclaimer : This is a global color adjustment, not a shot-by-shot correction, so it's not perfect. The result is not like the originally intended colors, since it's not scene-by-scene correction. Whites are not balanced in TFC, so even after the adjustment, scenes remains unequally balanced as well. The only goal was to achieve something more pleasing to the eyes, less green.** ### [Comparison screenshots](https://slow.pics/c/fas8GAvO) - ### Halo reduction Bright halos around edges have been attenuated with Vapoursynth - ### Use and fix of the original USBD Dolby TrueHD English audio tracks. Explanations by Krycek7o2 : The original USBD Dolby TrueHD English audio tracks for Dragon Ball Z : The Final Chapters had significant sound quality issues affecting multiple episodes. The problems included: - Muffled dialogue - Weak bass response - Poorly balanced sound effects - Issues when downmixing to stereo or playing on 5.1 systems - Root Cause The issue stemmed from a 0.001ms desync error during the mastering process, causing an 'echo' or 'doubling' effect. This affected episodes 111-167 in the FUNimation US Blu-ray release. - Proper Fix To correct the issue, the center channel must be resynced to the stereo image, not vice versa. This ensures uniformity across all channels without desyncing rear and LFE channels. Kanzenshuu user Daisetsu's insights were crucial in identifying and addressing this audio synchronization problem. - ### Additional audio tracks : __________________ - #### **Episode 106 5.1 TeamFourStar audio track restoration. Explanations by Krycek7o2** In addition to the original USBD audio mix on episode 106, we are also providing an alternate track. During episode 106, the fantastic group behind Dragon Ball Z Abridged, TeamFourStar was brought in to record lines for the Cell Games reenactment during the episode's final moments. Like many who watched their hilarious fan cut of DBZ on YouTube, this was a fantastic moment to witness as worlds collided. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. As it was alleged that Toei was alerted to this, and much to the chagrin of fans, the cameo was quickly eliminated. Besides a small teaser shown online and on Xfinity TV's on-demand service, it was never released on any official physical media or streaming service. However, the clip did surface online and proved to be as hilarious as TFS has always been. I present a complete reconstruction of that scene; using RX iZotope and various other tools, I extracted the vocals of the TFS cameo leak, restored them to the best of my abilities, and re-inserted them into the 5.1 lossless audio from the Blu-ray release. - The voices were extracted from the leaked clip - cleaned up the extracted vocal tracks - volume and eq matched to the official tracks - Extracted the front stereo image from lossless Blu-ray audio - took out any residual dialogue from the replaced VA's - synced the cleaned-up TFS vocals to the extracted stereo image - Seamlessly included the restored audio in place of the replacements Unlike many who just took the clip and haphazardly inserted it into downmixed or web-dl audio, I wanted to have a true 5.1 lossless version of this. And while it's not 100% lossless, it's about 97%, which makes me happy, and I am sure many will love it too. This work was a labor of love; as a long-time fan of TeamFourStar's work and having met them at a local con a few years ago, they called my son the hype... I am happy to restore what is, to my eyes, the perfect ending to their abridged work. ____________ - #### **Episodes 158 & 167** : In DBZ Kai The Final Chapters (the international version), episode 158 & 167 have original insert songs (respectively Let It Burn & Cha la Head Chala). We added the version of these tracks from the Japanese blu-ray (without insert songs) as additional tracks, restored with English Opening and Ending by Krycek7o2. - ### Enhanced English subtitles The subtitles have fixed terminology and slight spelling and punctuation corrections. Episodes have a basic subtitles track Some episodes also have stylized subtitles with advanced signs ![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/NYksKF2/Signs.jpg) - ### Additional patches to change default tracks : ### WARNING: DO NOT APPLY ANY OF THESE PATCHES WHILE SEEDING THE TORRENT SINCE IT MAY SEED BROKEN FILE CHUNKS. REMOVE THE TORRENT FROM YOUR CLIENT FIRST, OR MAKE A COPY OF YOUR FILES. To use the patches, you must install MKVToolnix and place the .bat files in the same folder as the episodes. Patches apply instantly to the episodes (just like renaming), it'll not remux and will not create new files. - English audio + basic signs - [Download](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h5Dzo_bRADfS32AoiFqGi679AKlTtAc3/view?usp=sharing) | [Mirror](https://archive.org/download/dbz-kai-tfc-cc-v2-default-tracks-patches/English%20%2B%20basic%20signs%20by%20default.bat) - English audio + stylized signs - [Download](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RbjfPYHgUYzaUwzw0N_A6h7hpQdJx0nr/view?usp=sharing) | [Mirror](https://archive.org/download/dbz-kai-tfc-cc-v2-default-tracks-patches/English%20%2B%20stylized%20signs%20by%20default.bat) - Japanese audio + basic subtitles (by default on this torrent) - [Download](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i_6VtRx4kw-vsjUYm3T91iXw95VnktEH/view?usp=sharing) | [Mirror](https://archive.org/download/dbz-kai-tfc-cc-v2-default-tracks-patches/Japanese%20%2B%20basic%20subtitles%20by%20default.bat) - Japanese audio + stylized subtitles - [Download](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PnMc6JG9hot0sF-acHTgV5V6rw4CY2zq/view?usp=sharing) | [Mirror](https://archive.org/download/dbz-kai-tfc-cc-v2-default-tracks-patches/Japanese%20%2B%20stylized%20subtitles%20by%20default.bat) Note 1 : These patches work with "C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvpropedit.exe". If your mkvpropedit.exe is located somewhere else, just edit the .bat files to point to your path. Note 2 : The .bat patches apply to the current names of the files, if you renamed your episodes, edit the .bat files accordingly. ---------------- ### Credits : #### Huge thanks to Krycek7o2 for providing the blu-ray remuxes, thoroughly fixing all English dub 5.1 tracks as well as restoring the TeamFourStar version of episode 106 and episodes 158/167 from the Japanese blu-ray. #### nemu-chan and BestGirl for translating some signs #### iKaos for providing raw OCRed subtitles #### Ploffy for checking/fixing subtitles OCR errors and other corrections #### Daisetsu for his deep analysis of 5.1 track issues that helped Krycek7o2 fixed them #### BestGirl, iKaos, JySzE, Krycek7o2 for helping seed the torrent

File list

  • [Team Mirolo] Dragon Ball Z Kai - The Final Chapters - Color adjusted [V2]
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.099.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.100.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.101.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.102.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.103.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.104.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.105.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.106.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.107.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.108.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.109.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.110.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.111.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.112.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.113.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.114.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.115.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.116.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.117.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.118.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.119.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.7 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.120.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.121.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.122.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.7 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.123.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.124.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.125.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.7 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.126.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.7 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.127.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.128.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.129.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.130.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.131.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.132.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.133.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.134.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.135.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.136.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.137.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.138.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.139.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.140.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.141.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.2 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.142.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.143.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.2 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.144.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.145.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.146.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.2 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.147.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.148.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.149.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.150.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.151.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.152.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.153.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.154.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.155.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.156.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.7 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.157.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.158.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.159.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.8 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.160.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.161.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.162.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.163.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.3 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.164.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.165.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.5 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.166.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.4 GiB)
    • DBZ.Kai.TFC.167.CC.x264.FLAC.1080p.[V2]-Team Mirolo.mkv (3.6 GiB)
first 🐴
Thank you brothers. Best video and audio quality for tfc is now here
Is there a possibility of getting episode 106 fixed audio without TFS? Just curious. Also, not sure "fan cut" is the phrase I would use as a replacement for parody.

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

@KingOfBunnies : Yes it is, remux it.
@KingOfBunnies Both versions are included in the provided MKV file for episode 106. So no worries the original DBZ voices are preserved.
@Krycek7o2 Ah, ok. Sorry, may have misread and thought only the TFS version was in there.
No worries. We preserved all the original USBD audio (except for the errors!), and added a few new synced tracks.
I'm confused. I ran the .bat file to change to English and Stylized subs, but it didn't do anything. It ran, went through every episode, and finished, but nothing happened. Then I checked the first few episodes and saw that "stylized subs" weren't even in every file. Are they supposed to be in every file? If not, could that be why the .bat file doesn't run properly? (I prefer to have default be sub/stylized, but I have the English Yamamoto score track set as default for the first part of Kai, so I wanted to run that .bat for consistency) Also, while on the topic, if/when you guys do the first part of Kai, are you going to include the Yamamoto score that was recompiled by that one guy a while back? "Yamamoto Revival" or whatever he called it?
First, huge thank u to team mirolo for this herculean feat that broke off the KAI curse caused by Toei's half-assing kai's second part. Now for a couple of questions of mine if any of team mirolo don't mind! : p will there be a V3 in the future that's white-balanced or corrected more thoroughly than V2? not saying it has to be a short-term thing just whether to expect in the long term in case it's on the cards. my other question would be if someone on the team would please elaborate on the exact issues that made it impossible to edit the English audio and have it match the Japanese version of episode 99-106? I'd understand if there were extra scenes in the Japanese version that weren’t dubbed in the international version, but isn’t it the opposite in this case? I might be misreading the original explanation, as it comes off (to me) as if this difference is the main culprit as to why the Japanese version wasn’t used instead of the international version. Is it something specific about the frame rate, timing, or scene lengths that made aligning the English dub with the Japanese video a Bloody Nightmare? i do understand that even small differences, like an extra half-second pause in a scene, can desync everything and force u to painstakingly fix it bit by bit which might have pushed some members to forsake it and go for the English version instead. i do know most wouldn't care about whether it's the JP or the IV version, especially with how the latter has some extra (albeit filler) episodes, even tho there are a few key differences in aesthetic changes (e.g., the aggressive sharpening filter aside, *Super Boo having red eyes in the broadcast version*, or more openings like *Kuu-Zen-Zetsu-Go replacing Fight It Out!*), so were these aesthetic differences seen as quite trivial and not worth all that hassle for it? especially if it were gonna get the project road stuck for a while.
Or was the real issue the sharpening filter itself, which might’ve bugged some team members due to its harsh and aggressive application and the resulting detail loss in the image? If that’s the case, I understand where the team is coming from. But this begs me a follow-up (it's the last, I swear hhhhh) question for the knowledgeable members of Mirolo/SOM: is it possible to replicate that same sharpening filter locally? Could an average user apply a similar effect, or would it require tools and expertise that are out of reach for most people? Just curious how viable it is to reproduce or fix that kind of visual alteration on our own. cuz I know team SOM does provide a custom MPV that somewhat sharpens the CC DB imagery. and once again, congrats for this colossal feat, truly based and passionate fans helping the franchise and pouring love for it and for akira sensei (god rest his soul) were some of my guesses on the Mark or did I get it off more than a truck driving a mountain road and falling off to the hills after trying to turn as is on some tight-ass hairpin turnpoint?

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

@DisplayNamee Stylized subs aren't supposed to be in every file, since they're essentialy signs, and not all episodes have signs. When you ran the .bat file, default audio doesn't changed to English? As for Yamamoto Revival, I don't know that, but we'll probably do only a multi French release of Kai 1.0, not English.

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

@Otaskai? No V3 is planned at all. Episodes 099-106 from JPBD have completely different editing, meaning even sound effects are placed differently, and you'd have to cut voices and SFX in half to match the image, it'd be a butchery that make no sense. Scenes aren't just shortened with removed cuts, the mix simply doesn't match. Regarding the sharpening filter, technically, using a stronger dehalo filter could mitigate the downsides of the initial filter by removing halos produced by the filter, which is the worst side effect, but the sharpening filter also highlights artifacts and grains, which makes the image less pleasant and would requires additional filters to smoothen things, and that could affects details. As for replicating this kind of sharpening filter, this is very easy, however this is a very bad idea for it'll also produce ugly artifacts.
@Team-Mirolo No, nothing changed. The audio didn't switch and neither did the subtitles. The reason I asked about there being less than 4 subs in each file was considering maybe that was the cause for the .bat not working. And yes, my files were all in the correct spots and the script ran and every file was listed as it did so. So something is wrong with the patch, I think. Also, French? Were the scenes that weren't redrawn in the USBD or JPBD releases not green or what?

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

I forgot to ask the most important thing, do you have MKVToolnix installed? If not, that's why. French because we do French releases usually that's all, except for this kind of unique releases.
@DisplayNamee The SoM team is going to handle Kai 1.0 and it'll include the Yamamoto Revival through episode 98 (although no other fan rescores as we don't do that). @Otaskai I think people get confused at the timeline and purpose of how TFC/JP Boo Kai came to exist - the International Cut (TFC) is the original cut, the original intended presentation of the show, however it was only released internationally. The JP cut was done as an afterthought in order to fill a very specific episode count, which is why the cuts are all frontloaded. It does have different OPs and EDs but that was just done for promotional purposes. At any rate it's a moot point because JP Boo Kai looks worse than TFC due to the additional filters, so it's pointless to use when it's not even the "true" cut of the show.
@Team-Mirolo I didn't know that about you guys being French. Thanks for this, then. And nevermind. I'm a fuckin moron. I ran it outside of the folder. When I put it in the folder, it worked fine. @iKaos Good to hear. Though the end of Kai 1.0 Yamamoto Revival fills in a few episodes (or just 1, I can't remember) with what would be expected. That would be considered "fan resources" that I think should be included. It's done by the same guy, and without it, it would be jarring to switch to Kuichi for just those episodes. Just my 2 cents, to include the whole "Revival" and not just what was aired before he got fired.
@Team-Mirolo @ikaos, thanks for your explanation, time, and patience! From what I understand now, the team had two main options: Add a bunch of filters to mitigate the downsides of the sharpening filter in the JP version (the afterthought release that came after the original TFC). However, this could come at the expense of image detail and might not appeal to everyone, as it could end up looking overfiltered and Moozzi-esque—especially given how many people dislike Moozzi’s releases for appearing overly sharpened. Based on your comments, this divisive approach makes sense as to why it was abandoned in favor of sticking with the TFC video source. Since the TFC source is the original cut, this avoids the complications of the JP version’s sharpening issues altogether. It also seems like a much more practical choice, considering the potential hassle of reworking the JP version for minimal gain and reward (JP ED/OPs, boo eye color etc). I now get why your teams chose the latter approach as it avoids all the unnecessary hassle that comes along with the JP version while preserving the integrity of the original content. I also see why you advise against applying such a filter to the release. Presumably, people would face the same rabbit hole of issues as with the JP version. For my setup, I’ll just run it on SOM’s custom MVP for the best picture clarity.
That said, I’m thrilled to hear that @ikaos and the mirolo team are including the Yamamoto score in the upcoming Kai 1.0 release! and funny enough, I was just about to ask whether the team members were aware of other certain fans who have extracted the audio and SFX like with this https://mega.nz/file/iGRWnaQI#mEm2o9qwD9GNyhdAPQ_khQun4RLIuRHifRo0BeScVls / https://www.kanzenshuu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1793892#p1793892 up to episode 97 for example which has the Yamamto score+JP OP/ED before ikaos responded However, I second @DisplayName's suggestion that the entire Yamamoto score should, even for the episodes after he was fired. it'd be otherwise jarring to switch to the kuichi's core after getting used to the Yamamato score, as it would be quite the whiplash for newcomers as well who might experience the show for the first time through those fantastic releases of the show. as such, adding them for the sake of posterity and consistency would be worthwhile and they're made by the same person in any case so may as well to As for the JP OPs and EDs, I’m confident enough in my editing skills to insert them myself. Et felicitations pour finir ce projet de pure passion! Je suis egalement francophone, et j’apprecie votre travail, que ce soit en francais ou en anglais. Merci beaucoup!

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

Otaskai : Merci :)
Looks really nice. My nitpick with Kai TFC International is that the OP isn't as good as Kai TFC Japan, and they got rid of the red eyes for Majin Boo. Oh, and the score isn't that good. Thanks.
Awesome realease! I would soooo love a french dub for these. Also, Yamamoto revival for french? Whoa. Would you consider a correctly placed Kikuchi track with a french dub? I would so freaking love that!
@futagen What's wrong with the US Blu-Rays? They fixed the audio issues & adjusted the green tint so it's non-existent. Did you expect them to use the Japanese Blu-Rays or something?
@iKaos Can you guys do a version of the uncut English dub audio that replaces the Japanese ones with the English dub ones from the TV version? It always bothered me that that was so inconsistent in the uncut dub for no reason.
@Otaskai ok @sangofe They said they didn't know what Yamamoto Revival is and that they are planning on doing a French release of Kai, not that they were going to include a French Yamamoto Revival. @TheDude4694 Nicktoons edited dub will be included.
@Otaskai Anime Time has released the Japanese version. Corrected subs are in the comments. If you want both versions because of their differences, that's a good option. They also have a fan-made Falconer dub, but it doesn't sync to the episodes that are different (99-106). That's a good fan audio track, too. But it's way more subjective as to the validity of adding it than the 3 episodes of the Yamamoto score. If they are timed correctly, maybe it could be added to the full USBD release yourself. I haven't looked into it and don't know if it would be synced to this and SoM's Kai 1.0.
no french subs 😭😭😭

Team-Mirolo (uploader)

@ipman83 : There will be a smaller French version sooner or later, we've to rework French subs first.
@ikaos ''The SoM team is going to handle Kai 1.0 and it’ll include the Yamamoto Revival through episode 98 (although no other fan rescores as we don’t do that).'' Apologies for the late response. I want to apologize for the earlier messages—when I responded, it was dawn, and I mistakenly thought anything past episode 98 was Part 1 of Kai, rather than Part 2. That mix-up explains your “okay” reply, XD. I completely understand why there’s a strict policy on not including fan-made rescoring. It wouldn’t reflect Yamamoto’s true work since he didn’t compose for Part 2 after being let go following Part 1. I’m also thrilled that you’re including it in your team’s release. Huge props to you, Ikaos—you and your team are among the best things to happen to the DB community. Purging the Funimation/Toei curse from the series, one step at a time, hhhhh!
@Team-Mirolo and @iKaos Any chance you'd be willing to do this for Episodes 099 - 107 and 157 of the Japanese blu-ray release? These are the episodes that were cut down. I understand an english dub is impossible but even just a white balance with properly synced subs and FLAC JP Audio would be great?
@Falcon639 [here you go.](https://nyaa.si/view/1927514)