I have compiled the chapters into the volumes, added covers, edit a few pages and deleted credit pages.
#### Liar Game Synopsis ####
The card reads as follows:
Congratulations! You are one of the 1 in 100,000 people who has been entered in the amazing LIAR GAME TOURNAMENT!
Along with the postcard there is 100 million yen in notes. That's the beginning of the Liar Game. When the game ends, in 30 days, you will have to return your 100 million. If your opponent steals them, he can keep them as a prize, and you will have a debt of 100 million…
#### Root A Synopsis ####
Roots of A is essentially a manga short featuring Akiyama during his senior year of college. In it, Akiyama and four of his classmates are taking a criminal psychology course and given an assignment where they must construct a profile of a person based on a letter they sent. This outcome of the assignment, plus what the professor says afterwards, is what prompts Akiyama to enter grad-school and continue to study psychology.
Includes other oneshots:
Nine Darts
Three Phase - The Forbidden Divination 1
Three Phase - The Forbidden Divination 2
The Tale of Shinobu Kaitani's Dog

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