[Mecha] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom [BD 1080p HEVC 10bit]

2024-12-30 14:00 UTC
File size:
7.2 GiB
Info hash:
![Alt text](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/doblaje/images/0/00/Mobile_suit_gundam_seed_freedom.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240704032613&path-prefix=es) **Subtitle:** - English **Subtitle Track:** - Japanese **Subtitle Source:** - SubPlease (Full Subs except Signs) (https://nyaa.si/view/1903808) - ZeroEffort (Signs, OP and ED) (https://nyaa.si/view/1830784) **Audio Track:** - Japanese **Video Source:** - DBD-Raws (https://nyaa.si/view/1915910) **Duration:** - 2 hours 4 minutes **MyAnimeList Link:** - https://myanimelist.net/anime/49073/Kidou_Senshi_Gundam_SEED_Freedom **Resolution:** - 1080p BD **OP+ED:** - Yes. I took it from ZeroEffort and add it. **Direct Download Link:** - **Google Drive:** https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19Bi3sGztOlBynTgPt92WvYNyMUeu2rOn?usp=sharing - **TeraBox:** https://terabox.com/s/14r4sGcb1RFURaKdPbX9THQ **Note 1:** If you are using VLC media player, then please use Stereo mode and set "Stereo" because of 5.1 but if you have MPC, then you don't need stereo mode, it has already stereo. Enjoy. **Note 2:** This is not part of Gundam Seed Freedom Zero because we don't have special like 500 cutscene. You have wait for Freedom Zero next year. **Note 3:** Five new signs has been added by me via ChatGPT translation

File list

  • [Mecha] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom [BD 1080p HEVC 10bit]
    • Font
      • GANDHISANS-BOLD_0.OTF (104.2 KiB)
      • GandhiSans-BoldItalic_0.otf (112.2 KiB)
      • GandhiSans-Italic.otf (110.0 KiB)
      • GandhiSans-Regular.otf (103.2 KiB)
      • JabcedHy Regular.ttf (51.7 KiB)
      • films.zrnic_.ttf (52.4 KiB)
      • trebuc.ttf (248.4 KiB)
      • trebucbd.ttf (238.4 KiB)
      • trebucbi.ttf (220.6 KiB)
      • trebucit.ttf (246.3 KiB)
    • [Mecha] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom [BD 1080p HEVC 10bit].mkv (7.2 GiB)

omnipotent500 (uploader)

Guys. If you see some missing signs, please tell me which duration, I will update it again and make it v2 but if you don't need then it's okay we can ignore some missing sign. Thank you.
The new signs I found added to the BD that weren't in the web release while doing my remux were these 1:18:25.15 Impulse Gundam Spec II Weapon Conversion System "Force Silhouette/Sword Silhouette/Blast Silhoutte" 1:18:27.82 Type 35 Prototype Advanced Railgun 1:20:24.94 Orb United Emirates, Leader's Official Residence 1:24:06.86 Onogoro Island Capital Defense Air Base Orb United Emirates National Defense Force, 7th Joint Mobile Aviation Battalion 1:24:11.79 Izanagi-Area 2nd Armored Artillery Battalion

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@petmyrock Yup. That's what I found it, so I added it via ChatGPT translation
Did you address the typos Golden_Chimera mentions in the comments for the ZeroEffort release? https://nyaa.si/view/1830784#com-12 hassik found 2 more afterwards: https://nyaa.si/view/1830784#com-13

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@rd1979 thanks, I'll check it out later

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@rd1979 That link (Golden_Chimera) comment "A lot of links" are dead. I can't open it.
They all work for me... I can repost them elsewhere if you want...

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@rd1979 Ok.

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@rd1979 Thanks for link but no need to fix subs because I already took subtitle from "SubPlease" instead ZeroEffort. I copy all signs, OP and ED from ZeroEffort and put in it together with SubPlease like that.