[B0NES] Grisaia: Phantom Trigger (2025) - S01E04 (04) [1080p WEBRip AV1 AAC 2.0 Multi-Subs] (Weekly)

2025-01-22 19:32 UTC
File size:
173.5 MiB
Info hash:
## Grisaia: Phantom Trigger (2025) - S01E04 (04) --- #### `B0NES` - `Web` `1080p` `AV1` `10bit` `AAC` `Multi-Subs` - `✅ Sonarr` `✅ Jellyfin` `✅ Plex` `✅ Emby` [![tvdb-icon] TVDB][tvdb-url] | [![tmdb-icon] TMDB][tmdb-url] | [![imdb-icon] IMDB][imdb-url] | [![mal-icon] MAL][mal-url] | [![anidb-icon] aniDB][anidb-url] | [![al-icon] aniList][al-url] | [![kit-icon] Kitsu][kit-url] --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | -- --- ![cover] >Several years after The Fruit of Grisaia...What was once "Mihama Academy," a sanctuary for young girls, has now been transformed into a SORD (Special Organization for Research & Development) training school dedicated to fostering talent for national defense. Rena and Maki specialize in firearms, Tohka and Gumi excel at sniping, Chris handles explosives and data processing, and Murasaki is a skilled ninja for intelligence operations. Together, they take on cases too complex for the police or Self-Defense Forces, repeatedly facing dangerous missions. This is the story of these young girls, painted in blood and gunpowder. --- [Mediainfo][mediainfo] | Codec | Specs | Language | Source | Default ---- |:----:| ---- | ---- | ---- |:----:| **Video** | `AV1` | `1080p` @ `808 Kbps` | - | CR | ✅ **Audio 1** | `AAC` | `2.0` @ `128 Kbps` | ![jp-flag] Japanese - 日本語 | CR | ✅ **Subtitle 1**| `ASS` | - | ![en-flag] English | [VARYG](https://nyaa.si/view/1924962) | ✅ **Subtitle 2**| `ASS` | - | Spanish - Español (América Latina) | VARYG | **Subtitle 3**| `ASS` | - | Spanish - Español (España) | VARYG | **Subtitle 4**| `ASS` | - | Portuguese - Português (Brasil) | VARYG | **Subtitle 5**| `ASS` | - | French - Français | VARYG | **Subtitle 6**| `ASS` | - | Italian - Italiano | VARYG | **Subtitle 7**| `ASS` | - | German - Deutsch | VARYG | **Subtitle 8**| `ASS` | - | Russian - Русский | VARYG | **Subtitle 9**| `ASS` | - | Arabic - العربية (Saudi Arabia) | VARYG | **Chapters**| `✅` | | | B0NES | ### Screenshots [![ss-1]][ss-1] | [![ss-2]][ss-2] | [![ss-3]][ss-3] --- | --- | --- ### Encoder Settings [SVT-AV1](https://gitlab.com/AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1) via [Av1an](https://github.com/master-of-zen/Av1an) using [SVT-AV1-PSY Fork](https://svt-av1-psy.com) v2.3.0-A ``` --crf 24 --preset 0 --film-grain 8 --film-grain-denoise 0 --sharpness 2 --irefresh-type 2 --lp 2 --progress 2 --input-depth 10 --enable-qm 1 --keyint -2 --scd 0 --enable-tf 2 --enable-dlf 2 --enable-cdef 0 --tune 3 --aq-mode 2 --psy-rd 0.0 --frame-luma-bias 40 --fast-decode 0 --color-primaries 1 --transfer-characteristics 1 --matrix-coefficients 1 --variance-octile 5 --variance-boost-strength 3 --qp-scale-compress-strength 3 --adaptive-film-grain 1 ``` --- **Use [MPV](https://thewiki.moe/tutorials/mpv/) for the best playback** or the latest VLC at least. For easy to install MPV players for beginners, try these forks: **Windows:** [mpv.net](https://github.com/mpvnet-player/mpv.net) - **Linux:** [Celluloid](https://celluloid-player.github.io) - **Mac:** [IINA](https://iina.io) - **Media Server:** [Jellyfin](https://jellyfin.org) ![av1-logo] **Want to be notified of releases? Check weekly schedules? Report an issue? Learn or chat about AV1 and encoding?** #### Join the [AV1 Anime Discord Server][discord]! [av1-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/LQ8tkEa.png "AV1 Logo" [jp-flag]: https://i.imgur.com/j16z1Bu.png "Japanese" [en-flag]: https://i.imgur.com/bduV411.png "English" [imdb-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/poC4bNV.png "IMDB" [tvdb-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/zPqLtOC.png "TVDB" [tmdb-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/RBbMSUb.png "TMDB" [mal-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/ZCtSawZ.png "MyAnimeList" [anidb-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/zrayPu7.png "aniDB" [al-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/O4DCH2d.png "AniiList" [kit-icon]: https://i.imgur.com/R2fR7vE.png "Kitsu" [discord]: https://discord.gg/Xh7a9CzVP8 [cover]: https://i.imgur.com/kKolpUi.png "Grisaia Phantom Trigger" [imdb-url]: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33503859 [tvdb-url]: https://www.thetvdb.com/series/grisaia-phantom-trigger-the-animation-2024 [tmdb-url]: https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/280906 [mal-url]: https://myanimelist.net/anime/51119 [anidb-url]: https://anidb.net/anime/17220 [al-url]: https://anilist.co/anime/145740 [kit-url]: https://kitsu.app/anime/grisaia-phantom-trigger-the-animation [mediainfo]: https://rentry.co/akc48dzt [ss-1]: https://files.catbox.moe/beg12g.png [ss-2]: https://files.catbox.moe/qyooby.png [ss-3]: https://files.catbox.moe/gjj0pu.png

File list

  • Grisaia Phantom Trigger (2025) - S01E04 (04) [1080p WEBRip AV1 AAC 2.0 Multi-Subs]-B0NES.mkv (173.5 MiB)