| Credits | |
| Video + Audio | DSNP |
| Translation | GeeYu |
| Song Translation | GeeYu |
| Timing | Nojiko |
| Editing | Animorphs / GeeYu / Nojiko (chaos) |
| Quality Control | Animorphs / GeeYu / Nojiko (chaos) |
| Typesetting | Animorphs / Sumo |
| Song Syling | Nojiko / Sumo |
Honorifics have been dropped. This was done to spite *you* personally.
Bit slower this time, but should be higher quality. May end up being similar timeframes in the future.
Also, Blue Box will be delayed until tomorrow due to working on this.
For any feedback, please post in the comments, or contact Animorphs in the GJM or SeaDex servers.

First, thank you for the new episode and for your efforts in translating it and also in changing all written things into English as well. I'm really thankful for all that effort. But!
"Honorifics have been dropped. This was done to spite you personally."
Seriously? Wow, I'm impressed.
1) First you say in your post of episode 03 "I’d really appreciate the feedback if you see something that feels wrong/weird."
2) Then you don't like that 2 people said that dubtitles are shit and that 1 person did write that feedback about what they thought feels wrong/weird and that 2 people said your translated nickname sounds wrong.
3) Then you go and remove honorifics to spite those few that complained (they can be counted on 1 hand I think).
4) And you don't give a shit about the fact that the enjoyment for A LOT OF OTHER fans of the anime will be halved because you removed honorifics AND are making the Japanese call their older sibling by name AND are making weird ass translations for character's nicknames. Mittens instead of Mike (which is just shortened from Miketa)? Seriously? I'm surprised you left Nacchin and Non and didn't translate them too. Oh, wait, let me guess, you're gonna do it in the next episodes (because 2 people said it feels wrong/weird to translate nicknames), to spite them.
I don't know what to say, you guys are so mature it blows my mind. And you care so much about ALL the people enjoying your translations. Good job, keep it up.
You could have just said in the post of episode 04 that you don't want to hear any more feedback if we see something that feels wrong/weird OR that we limit ourselves to only the most important wrong/weird things because you want to take liberties so "the translations actually reads like good English with decent personality" (I'm quoting Animorphs).
Here's my changes for ep 04. I wanted to try writing stuff since in ep 03 GeeYu said they’d really appreciate the feedback if we see something that feels wrong/weird. And sorry if it looks like a worse way of phrasing it, English isn’t my mother tongue. I wrote explanations in brackets [[ ]] Feel free to ignore it all.
05:25 - Mika ---> sis
11:23 - I'd like Inori to do something simpler. ---> Yes, to simpler ones which Inori can land. [[Change the jumps to simpler ones which she's able to do.]]
11:29 - And her program isn't particularly difficult. ---> I haven't made her program particularly difficult. [[Tsukasa says he didn't do it harder on purpose.]]
12:10 - I don't want skating to become a painful memory for her. ---> Please don't make her think she's failed at skating too. [[Because she had trouble with other things in her life.]] ---> Sukeito made shippai no omoide ni... [[I think "made" is important here and also "shippai" ---> the mom even says it in the DUB audio]]
14:47 - Back then, it wasn't the skating that was special to me - my sister just made it feel that way. ---> Back then, I saw my sister as something special, not figure skating itself. / Back then, it wasn't the skating that was cool, it was my sister, the skater.
15:51 - it's okay... ---> It's okay... [[The first letter of the sentence is small, should be big.]]
18:00 - A broken leg spin?! ---> A broken leg sit spin?!
18:07 - I-I only showed her once. ---> W-We just tried it once. [[You can see Inori in practice clothes doing it, before Inori in competition dress doing it - which means SHE tried it once, it wasn't TSUKASA who showed her once. - You can see it in the manga as well that she tried it once herself.]]
20:19 - Mika ---> sis
20:51 - You've found a lot of things that weren't for you, but ---> You have trouble with many things, but [[Yours sounds like she found hobbies that weren't for her, but she strugles with everyday things.]]
@NingyoHime, I'm with @mcbaws21. Instead of wasting time and energy complaining, why don't you make your own version of the subtitles and upload it? Nobody's stopping you. :)
@NingyoHime Do not report things that are just preference. It makes you look like a fool when you suggest absolutely inane things like "broken leg sit spin" when both that and "broken leg spin" are common ways of describing the move. Notes like 12:10 that highlight importance nuance that could have been lost (i.e.the recurrence in this case) are useful—an admission that you would suggest "sis or "bro" instead of a sibling's name is not (these clippings are usually used when talking to or about people that are not related to you, whereas using their first name is completely normal).
In general you don't seem to understand the meaning of words past their dictionary definition, and you do not understand tone, not even when the sarcasm in the description is *italicized*. If it somehow wasn't clear to you, decisions are usually made by the team discussing the topic at decent length in private. And no, the lack of honorifics does not "halve enjoyment", nor does the rest of whatever you are talking about. To begin with, these changes are made to make the English translation more closely mirror character relationships and tone in a way that Japanese natives would understand them from the Japanese.
I want to specifically call out complaints about nicknames: "Mittens" is a common cat name, as is *Mike* in Japanese. The whole idea is that her nickname is a joke about her cat-like behaviour (from portraying her as a cat in comedy scenes, to her character design, to the way she acts in general). Many English viewers would not make that connection from "Mike", even though that is the only reason that nickname exists... meaning would be lost in (the refusal to do any) translation. The suggestion that translating Japanese names of this kind is somehow unpopular with audiences is ludicrous. The world's biggest franchise is Pokémon, and it is built on this translation practice. You go tell people that your favourite is Kamex and see how they respond.
Thanks for the subs! I personally think they're great. I'm so glad you went with Mittens, wouldn't have it any other way.
Some people just don't understand you can't translate everything literally, especially in Japanese.
Please keep up the great work guys! ♡
>This was done to spite you personally.
This is very clearly a sarcastic tongue-in-cheek response, and one that is not particularly uncommon to hear among English speakers. If you have trouble reading that, I worry greatly about any other facet of English you have trouble understanding...
Why does everything always become so heated. I just wanted everyone on Nyaa to be friends and create something together ;_;
I greatly respect your dedication to review the TL in such detail. Your posts did reveal at least one line with an error, which will certainly be corrected in a V2.
Many of your posts are pushed to keep things as absolutely literal as possible, which noting the subject-verb order differences of English and Japanese, creates sentences that while being valid in English, feel stilted to the viewer. The members of this group are against this, and favor creating sentences that flow in natural English, favoring for example switching sections 2 and 3 in a 3x section speech to avoid gratuitous use of semicolons and em dashes, rather than cramming the JP in 1:1 literally for a Star Wars Yoda-like delivery or Old English. This also matches the style guide Chihiro and other real groups follow.
Your lines are sort of alternate lines, which we already have 4-5 versions of each anyway because GeeYu is a madman. All balancing 1:1 TL and being normal English.
What's developed is some sort of resentment/anger between the two camps that just isn't right, focusing only on the "who really cares eitherway" use of Nicknames, like those pointless Linux debates on whether it's an operating system or not without getting much done on the printer drivers.
While at least right now [Salchow]'s TL team disagree with most of the changes and want to go their way, It would be great if Medalist had some competition like the old days of 3 different fansubs of Rolling Girls to Hibikeep it Real. If you don't know how to use Aegisub, drop a line and I'll try to help. You can even take my signs.
No more anger. Through anime, unity.
Honorifics were dropped for the same reason they were from the ToT release. If I change Sensei to Coach, do I have to keep Okaasan? Do I use mom-san? Rather than debating over where to draw the line in the sand, TL decided English only. There was never any spite, it's just a shitpost.
I suggested Mittens from Ep3 because every thread was referring to her as such in the leadup to her introduction. Is it Mittens time? Where the fuck is Mittens? If it was kept Mike(y/h) or Meowy was used, the amount of upsetness in viewers would likely have gone up.
I intended to just post some meme shitpost about honorifics but I see the passion in NingyoHime, and want to see that passion lead to something positive. Don't let this nyaa comments bullshit kill that spark. I for one would watch a fully fledged [NingyoHime] release and would support you along the way.
> no honorifics
Americans speak with no honor.
Only profanity and be fat.
You lack the will of the samurai.
I'm watching Medalist for the comment threads of people who don't understand why you would want to go from 三毛ちゃん to [obvious English-language cat name], of which Mittens makes sense to choose because it's already well-known to fans of the series. Please keep it up! My enjoyment depends on it.
Alternatively, someone make a version of the show where all subs are just a romanized version of the Japanese subs because I think the comments for that release would also be fun.
Thank you for your comment, I thought that everyone in the Salchow group hates me, like many of the people commenting on the episodes do. :') So your comment made me really happy. <3 To explain myself: I was too happy that GeeYu said they’d really appreciate the feedback if we see something that feels wrong/weird, so I wanted to try writing stuff that feel wrong/weird to me, I wanted to give ideas and maybe a correction will be accepted (like folding your skating leg UP, not IN - and you guys writing Mike-chan instead of Mittens once in ep 03).
I did write "And sorry if it looks like a worse way of phrasing it, English isn’t my mother tongue. Feel free to ignore it all.", because I don't expect that all my suggestions will be taken into consideration, if only 1 of the things makes you guys think about it and maybe do a V2 with it, that makes me very happy because I contributed something to this wonderful anime that has only 1 decent group translating it (Salchow). If you don't take anything I wrote, that's ok too. It's not like I'm an experienced translator, English is my 2nd language and Japanese my 4th.
Sorry if many of my adjustments sound like they are pushed to keep things as absolutely literal as possible, I try to make them sound like the official manga translation when possible, but some of those sentences are not in the manga, so I use Hulu for those. Since English isn't my mother tongue. I stopped writing adjustments for "things they don't say in Japanese" (like for 03:52 - Some freshly poured orange juice! ---> Here, orange juice!), because Animorphs has written in a comment that "Liberties have been taken here to actually read like good English with decent personality" so I respect that and won't bother you guys with every sentence where you add something they don't say in Japanese, now I just write the ones that sound to me like something is lost in the translation OR if I see a mistake like Mike-chan instead of Mittens or the first letter of the sentence is small and should be big.
I do think that honorifics are very important though, as they show respect or how close you are to someone - in Japanese calling someone without honorifics is very different to western people calling someone with only their name. I'm so happy when I see manga publishers using honorifics in their translations (in English and German and Croatian official translations of manga) because it's helpful for new fans to learn about Japanese. <3 But if you guys think they aren't important, I'll stop pestering you guys about it.
Also, I'm very sorry about Mittens, when I Googled it, I got a result that it means a type of gloves, I didn't know that it's a common English name for a cat - which makes total sense in Ryoka's case - since she looks and acts like a cat. Also, in that case, Mickey Mouse also makes sense because Ryoka wants to be like a cat, but Nacchin calls her a mouse. Also, the official manga translation calls Ryoka Mittens, which is probably why you saw that nickname in all those threads. Even I now think that it's a good nickname, now that I know it's a common name for a cat (thanks @Tsukudakobashi).
About "broken leg sit spin", I thought you made a mistake and forgot to put "sit" in the sentence. I always notice errors in official manga translations in my bought manga and then I write for myself corrections for those (also for books like Harry Potter for example, when I see errors, I write corrections for myself) - you can call it proofreading, I have OCD so I have to do this. If you find any of those useful, then I'm happy. If they aren't useful, ignore them please. :3 I'm not trying to sound smart, I'm trying to be useful for a great release of a great anime.
I am absolutely baffled at how this show ended up with this level of discourse about subtitles. Mind you, I also noticed the subs on D+ were pretty bad, reminded me of the Dead Dead Demons Destruction Debacle. That said, it hasn't made the show unwatchable. Just a few weird things like in episode 2, some kid literally asks about video games and they translated it as "Do you like anime?" Weird choice.
Best of luck dealing with all this. People should really be a bit more grateful. It's not like they're paying for this.
Comments - 29