[Isekai] Otome Game no Hametsu Flag Movie (My Next Life as Villainess All Routes Lead to Doom Movie) (BD 1080p)

2025-01-30 14:58 UTC
File size:
3.4 GiB
Info hash:
![Alt text](https://r.mobirisesite.com/1152579/assets/images/otome-1920x1080.png?v=1TDvFj) ![Alt text](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODgzZmM3ZjItYzA2NC00ZWYyLTljYWYtNTVlMDVlMGU1MDc0XkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg) **Subtitle:** - English **Subtitle Track:** - English (Honorific) **Subtitle Source:** - ɪᴋʜsᴀɴ (Indonesian Subtitle) (www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZdZV5oQg2zkQR47CG5tvJnbN49dLNCIs&si=6bx9sN3cLQB-YK60) - Me (translate it to English via ChatGPT and Subtitle Edit) - 獅子野・神我察丨Shishinó Mígami (one of them who's my friend list from Discord ---> Thanks to him for fixing some wrong words subtitle) **Audio Track:** - Japanese **Video Source:** - Moozzi2 (https://nyaa.si/view/1873058) **Duration:** - 1 hours 30 minutes 20 seconds **MyAnimeList Link:** - https://myanimelist.net/anime/49842/Otome_Game_no_Hametsu_Flag_shika_Nai_Akuyaku_Reijou_ni_Tensei_shiteshimatta_Movie **Resolution:** - 1080p BD **OP+ED:** - ED -> No. - Some songs -> Yes. it was added by ɪᴋʜsᴀɴ and also fixed by 獅子野・神我察丨Shishinó Mígam **Direct Download Link:** - **Google Drive:** https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vfqJXMbAqiRTTd1xHr8gvCG9Ca99F5Ru?usp=sharing - **TeraBox:** https://1024terabox.com/s/1oGmTqaZbnD3BfRro2EQqrQ (I think you need account before download it.) **Note:** Please use MPC video player or MPV because VCL cannot handle it but depend on your high specs PC whether VCL can handle it or not. i am aware why no one create English subtitle for this movie but I found it from YouTube and ask my friend for help. Enjoy.

File list

  • [Isekai] Otome Game no Hametsu Flag Movie (My Next Life as Villainess All Routes Lead to Doom Movie) (BD 1080p)
    • Fonts
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      • segoesc.ttf (583.0 KiB)
    • [Isekai] Otome Game no Hametsu Flag Movie (BD 1920x804 x265 10 bit).mkv (3.4 GiB)

omnipotent500 (uploader)

i am aware why no one create English subtitle for this movie but I found it from YouTube and ask my friend for help. Enjoy.
> Me (translate it to English via ChatGPT and Subtitle Edit) Uh....

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@Glordit Got problem?
Really inspires a lot of confidence in the product
hey, nobody else has done it... so thanks
Very much appreciated, omnipotent500. And thanks to your friend Mígami for helping out!

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@Gratefulila no problem 🤳🤳🤳
Thanks! There were a couple of small things that could be fixed, but it was more than watchable. Far better than the slop that I turned out when I tried Wisper to make Japanese subs and then DeepL to translate. I wonder, though, why none of the fansub groups gave this one a go? It wasn't the best movie of the series, but it also wasn't awful either.
A machine translation sub by someone who can barely write with correct grammar. We've waited 9 months since the first raw upload, might as well keep waiting.