Hi to all! Well, today I'll share the single of this cancelled project, that started a crowdfunding but failed to reach the objetive, however, they manage to release this single and a couple of one shots in their official page, so visit the site if you want
Maybe in the future I'll upload in the blog the entire page screenshots and the comics, now that the web is still active and can be preserved at least in png

Release date: March 19th, 2016
Pâtithree - CHIKA☆CHIKA してる? (WEB 256k) contains the full version of the song
Pâtithree - CHIKA☆CHIKA してる? (Free Download V4) contains the short and off vocals versions of the song
Originals contains the original files I downloaded from the official site
That's all! I hope I get more time to upload other things that I have, but I can't promise anything
See you in a eternity! (?)
Official project site: http://chikadol.com/
Direct download: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/2025/02/chikachika-idol.html
You want to contact me?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polocool95
Discord: Polocool#5703
Mail: anepf95@hotmail.com
My (inactive or something) Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/polocool95
My Blog: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/
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