English Subtitle Scripts.
Source: Judas
Destination: ReinForce
Brought to you by KOTEX again.

Amazing work!
Also, can I ask if you can do Enen no Shouboutai/Fire Force with Moozzi2 BDs?
Season 3 is confirmed this year and would love to start the first two seasons with this :)
Appreciate your works as always!
@SomaHeir Nice to meet you.
The swarm nearly dead. It take me a long time to complete it.
There is FLAV1N's BD released for both seasons too.
I recommended to switch to FLAV1N instead, you can finish it in single torrent. His swarms are more than 13 seeders. It's pretty active. You'll finished it faster than Moozzi2.
Comments - 2
kotex (uploader)