I've noticed something strange about the Coalgirls release. Whatever they did to the video has resulted in lines that are thicker and more jagged. It's quite noticeable.
And this one is from the project-gxs release on here:
Compare any "lines" such as the ones on her jacket and you'll noticed the softer edges of the project-gxs release are replaced by harder more solid edges in the Coalgirls release. Of these two, the poject-gxs one is almost certainly the more accurate of the two. Coalgirls seems to have introduced something weird when they were encoding it. Not sure if it was intentional. I would recommend against this release for that reason. It's simply not accurate. Also especially noticeable on her eyebrow. It has a natural soft look on the project-gxs release, but a hard uniform look on Coalgirls.
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