Sep. 1, Thu.
"Traditional Japanese Mathematics"
Imagine that you have two equally-sized square sheets of paper. How would you cut each sheet of paper so that the pieces could be combined to make one larger square?
This problem comes from Japan's indigenous mathematics tradition, wasan. In the 17th century and beyond, wasan enjoyed great and widespread popularity. Tablets with math problems written on them can be found in some Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.
Japanese mathematical genius Seki Takakazu raised wasan to perhaps its highest level. He revealed an understanding of mathematics that, in some respects, was ahead of Western knowledge of the time.
In the late 19th century, wasan was replaced by Western-style mathematics and fell into obscurity, but now wasan is enjoying a revival.
On this edition of BEGIN Japanology, our theme is traditional Japanese mathematics. By examining the history of wasan, we will reveal the Japanese attitude towards math.
`<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 25954 66 0:14:25.034 -> 0:14:25.100<br></br> 26717 610 0:14:50.500 -> 0:14:51.110<br></br> 26767 400 0:14:52.743 -> 0:14:53.143<br></br> 26768 700 0:14:53.143 -> 0:14:53.843<br></br> 26769 1891 0:14:53.843 -> 0:14:55.734<br></br> 26770 3000 0:14:55.734 -> 0:14:58.734<br></br> 29137 67 0:16:17.601 -> 0:16:17.668<br></br> 32238 65 0:18:01.001 -> 0:18:01.066<br></br> 40973 67 0:22:52.199 -> 0:22:52.266<br></br> 41400 67 0:23:06.466 -> 0:23:06.533<br></br> 41401 66 0:23:06.533 -> 0:23:06.599<br></br> 41484 66 0:23:09.333 -> 0:23:09.399<br></br> 44814 67 0:25:00.366 -> 0:25:00.433<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50152<br></br>`
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20110901 BEGIN Japanology - Traditional Japanese mathematics.mkv (119.5 MiB)
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