Oct. 5, Wed. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.
On Site: Good Design Expo 2011
The Good Design Expo is one of the largest design events in Asia, where exceptional designs are selected from over 2000 entries. The competition features entries from a wide range of fields, including everyday household goods and appliances, cars and even architecture. This year's expo includes a special section featuring designs from the disaster-stricken Tohoku region of Japan.
Gadgets: Get Down with the Boogiebox
Starting in 2012, dance will become a compulsory subject at Japanese junior high schools. This means that dance will no longer be just a hobby; it will become part of Japanese culture. However, in space-starved Japan, people can't just dance anywhere they want; they have to find practice space with power outlets for music. One manufacturer has responded to this new focus on dance and created speakers designed specifically for dancing.
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