Nov. 11, Fri.
Arabian Merchants Flock to China
The roughly 200,000 Arabs who enter China every year are rapidly changing the so-called "Arabian City" in China. Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, was a small farming village 30 years ago. But now, the Yiwu International Trade Mart, the world's largest sundry wholesale market, attracts more than 400,000 merchants from around the world. More than 6,000 stores fill every corner of the 4 million square-meter market. Business is booming. This episode of China Wow! follows both Arab merchants and Chinese vendors fighting to survive in the changing market.
`<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 231 67 0:00:07.600 -> 0:00:07.667<br></br> 688 67 0:00:22.867 -> 0:00:22.934<br></br> 2880 67 0:01:35.967 -> 0:01:36.034<br></br> 10146 67 0:05:38.200 -> 0:05:38.267<br></br> 16600 67 0:09:13.367 -> 0:09:13.434<br></br> 16727 66 0:09:17.634 -> 0:09:17.700<br></br> 16852 100 0:09:21.834 -> 0:09:21.934<br></br> 20388 67 0:11:19.767 -> 0:11:19.834<br></br> 25455 67 0:14:08.700 -> 0:14:08.767<br></br> 33317 67 0:18:30.800 -> 0:18:30.867<br></br> 42219 67 0:23:27.567 -> 0:23:27.634<br></br> 42715 100 0:23:44.134 -> 0:23:44.234<br></br> 44041 67 0:24:28.400 -> 0:24:28.467<br></br> 45225 201 0:25:07.900 -> 0:25:08.101<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50371<br></br>`
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File list
20111111 China Wow - Arabian Merchants.mkv (171.7 MiB)
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