Nov. 14, Mon. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.
Nippon Style:
Feel and Think - A New Era of Tokyo Fashion
Tokyo brands are evolving in completely different directions from luxury global brands and 80s Tokyo deconstructive styles. Younger designers are winning acclaim for novel aesthetics, textiles and street orientation in brands such as ANREALAGE and SASQUATCHfabrix. Since October, ten distinctive brands have been highlighted at an exhibition at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery. The designers behind the brands created individual installations that merged fashion and art. How do they view Tokyo fashion today? What are they aiming to achieve?
Catwalk Trends:
2012 S/S NEW YORK Collection Part 2
Tokyo Buzz:
British Style for the Madame and the Missus - with Angela Maki Vernon
In our second report on the spirit of the UK in fashion this fall, we check in with the ladies. Those in the know are increasingly slipping on elegant riding boots and tasteful lace-ups and wearing tartans, glen plaids and casual Madras checks in assorted combinations. We discover a range of Tokyo-style British fashions!
`<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 850 66 0:00:28.234 -> 0:00:28.300<br></br> 5710 100 0:03:10.267 -> 0:03:10.367<br></br> 6153 67 0:03:25.100 -> 0:03:25.167<br></br> 10179 100 0:05:39.334 -> 0:05:39.434<br></br> 21155 100 0:11:45.267 -> 0:11:45.367<br></br> 22185 100 0:12:19.667 -> 0:12:19.767<br></br> 24176 67 0:13:26.100 -> 0:13:26.167<br></br> 24239 100 0:13:28.234 -> 0:13:28.334<br></br> 26792 67 0:14:53.400 -> 0:14:53.467<br></br> 38961 100 0:21:39.067 -> 0:21:39.167<br></br> 39283 100 0:21:49.867 -> 0:21:49.967<br></br> 44499 67 0:24:43.800 -> 0:24:43.867<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50373<br></br>`
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