Nov. 15, Tue. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.
"Sado A Stage for Tradition"
- Onidaiko
- Noh workshop
- Shukunegi architecture
Sado, located in the Sea of Japan, is a large island of 260 kilometers in perimeter.
Our reporter George gets to take in a Noh workshop.
He also experiences an ancient festival with long history and visits a small area where the traditional houses are well preserved.
After lots of drama, he meets up with a fisherman to learn the old fashion method of octopus catching-a method used in the autumn.
In this folk entertainment, performers wear demon masks and dance to the rhythm of drums. The shapes of masks and dances differ in different districts, and there are more than 120 variations on Sado. They are praying for abundant crops and good health. Demons also drive away evil spirits from houses.
Shukenegi's houses, over 100 hundred years old, are a precious remainder of the prosperous shipping days during the Edo Period.
Sado Island has one-third of all the Noh theaters in Japan, and about 20 Noh performances are staged in a year from April through October.
Admission fees are free or a reasonable price of 500 yen.
At some performances, earphones for English guidance are provided.
Noh workshop
From April through November, visitors can experience performing Noh on a real Noh stage. The Sado Tourism Association accepts reservations made seven days in advance.
A minimum number of four is required for a class. The fee is 2,000 yen per person (1,000 yen for a child).
The class starts at 10 AM and participants learn basic movement and Noh chanting.
This traditional method can be done only in October and November when octopus venture into shallow waters.
Contact the Sado Tourism Association. Subject to teacher availability and weather conditions. The two hour tour costs 1,000 yen per person for catching octopus only.
Information for tourists is posted in English on the Sado Tourism Association website.
Traveler: George Bourdaniotis
Access Map
Access: To reach Sado from mainland Niigata you take a ferry or speed boat
departing from three ports. The journey takes one to three hours.
Flights are available from Niigata Airport. Flight time is 25 minutes.
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