[PSP] Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A’s Portable The Gears of Destiny [魔法少女リリカルなのはA's ポータブル ザ_ギアズ_オブ_ディスティニー] (JPN) ISO Download.rar

2011-12-22 07:59 UTC
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834.3 MiB
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![Image](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GiPLDj7ai3w/TvMqLjvxpbI/AAAAAAAAHmw/yBQpDT1Ty4w/s1600/conew_1%255B5%255D.jpg) Title : \[PSP\] Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A’s Portable: The Gears of Destiny \[魔法少女リリカルなのはA's ポータブル ザ・ギアズ・オブ・ディスティニー\] (JPN) ISO Download Game Information Japanese Title : 魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s ポータブル -ザ・ギアズ・オブ・ディスティニー- Chinese Title : — Publisher : Bandai Namco Games Developer : Bandai Namco Games Genre : Fighting Game Version : Japan CERO C (15+) Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP) Size : 834.36MB Format : ISO Players : 1 Supplier : Caravan Catalog No : ULJS-00385 Realease Date : 2011-12-22 Official Website : http://nanoha.bngi-channel.jp/ Info : Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A’s Portable: The Gears of Destiny 魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s ポータブル ザ・ギアズ・オブ・ディスティニー Preview / Gameplay : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxj4kijsj6M Description / About This Game : Throw spells and sparkly magic around. The gears of destiny are turning, and none of the magical girls can escape. The original script writer Tsuzuki Maki wrote an brand new story for this installment and the game includes new characters such as Ametie, Kirie, Vivo, Ainharuto and Tohma. The battle system gets an upgrade with better camera angles and even grander magical effects. Hammer your opponents to the ground, or swoop down on them from the air. The Range Shift battle system changes your controls when you go from long range to short range, allowing players to device their strategies.

File list

  • [PSP] Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A’s Portable The Gears of Destiny [魔法少女リリカルなのはA's ポータブル ザ・ギアズ・オブ・ディスティニー] (JPN) ISO Download.rar (834.3 MiB)