Journey to the West is a Chinese television series adapted from the Chinese classical novel of the same title. The series was directed and produced by Cheng Lidong. It was first aired on Zhejiang Satellite TV (ZJSTV) in China on 14 February 2010. This version is not to be confused with a television series of the same title, produced by Zhang Jizhong released in 2011.
This series was translated in 2010 by the people at, JettoSubs ripped the subtitles and timed them to work with the DVDrips with some minor corrections, as Viki doesn't allow subtitles to be downloaded.\_101309.htm
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Wuxia
Runtime: 41 min
Episodes: 52 (complete series)
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese (hardsub), English (softsub)
File Size..............: 145MB
Format.................: MKV
Codec..................: V\_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
Video Bitrate..........: 450 Kbps
Resolution.............: 608x368
Audio..................: AAC
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