The official translation is used here as "Wizard".
We used this term from Tsuki' releases. Starting from our joint with Kaitou, we changed to "Mage".
We want to ask for your vote, which one we should use for the rest of FT releases. Or we keep using ''Mage" or change to official translation "Wizard".
Please leave your opinion here so that we know what to use. It's important. You can't complain anything in the future if you don't give your opinion right now.
We are recruiting one Mp4 Encoder for this show. I'm tired of waiting for the encoder from Kaitou's side. So if you want to distribute your encode, send me one of your encodes (with the setting and avs script) from our FT release to my email hotboy\ I will check to see if you pass.
By the time being, no more MP4.
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