Mix of sources here, mostly Animax, whatever it took to get the results I needed.
I held these encodes back with the intention that they first be used by The Moonlighters (since they wanted to use them once I started encoding them, something I was not expecting since I didn't do the usual video editing for M-L releases). But as the project seems to be held up due to a lack of staff (a couple extra translators would probably help tons) I was asked to release them anyway, to ensure decent HD rips were out in the open.
Also, I'm in need of translators not only for Conan - I'm looking to finally finish off Lupin III Part 3 (Pink Jacket) and I'd like to prioritize the last 20 eps that aren't available on Hulu. Another editor for Conan may be helpful as well, as I'm a terrible editor. :(
You can find me on [\#fusion-rips@irc.hoshinet.org](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/fusion-rips) as "Licca".
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