Title: ウェルかめ
Title (romaji): Welkame
Episodes: 150 (15 mins. each)
Genre: Family drama
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2009-Sep-28 to 2010-Mar-27
The 81st NHK Asadora is Welkame. The story revolves around a young woman named Nami, who was born and raised in a minshuku (a type of inn). She leaves for Tokyo to work for a magazine publisher, but is soon laid off. She winds up returning to her hometown, where she has to once again deal with her family and former acquaintances.
TVRip uploaded d-addicts by **Lezl** long time ago.
All files are 704x396 but starting from 9th week quality is not very good.
English hardsubbed TV-rip exists for this dorama.
If someone wants to make softsubs, conact with me on D-Addicts and I'll provide them for you.
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