listed in aniDB with no group
Found in an internet cafe file server anime section.
DDL and SS wait for AT to process them
Screenshots of anime title that is available in that server, <http://imgur.com/a/8Dg6d>
For details of the files, <https://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=mylist&do.filter=1&uid=730470>
Very slow update on the MyList since they I can't scan the files with AniDB client directly, need to copy it to my harddisk 1st.
And from now on I'll only go there once a month, the 1st saturday.
[My MAL account](https://myanimelist.net/profile/ramensama92)
I've found a DDL link for this. So, I'm sharing.
video: https://femax20.com/f/108lmcjk27gej3-
subtitle: https://mirrorace.org/m/1Huii
don't forget to use an adblocker like ublock origin
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