[Yuki] Log Horizon S1 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC)

2017-08-10 16:01 UTC
File size:
17.0 GiB
Info hash:
__Log Horizon S1 in Dual-Audio (JPN/ENG) at 720p/1080p__ - Complete Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, German, Russian, Hungarian, Arabic, Czech, Persian (Farsi). - Partial: Bulgarian 1-14, 16-17. - Alternative 720p-1080p version available here: [720p - #947842](//nyaa.si/view/947842), [1080p - #948091](//nyaa.si/view/948091). - DDL: [720p at AnimeTosho](//animetosho.org/view/log-horizon-s1-bd-720p-hevc-dual-audio-aac.1121909). - DDL: [1080p at AnimeTosho](//animetosho.org/view/log-horizon-s1-bd-1080p-hevc-dual-audio-aac.1122174). This is the only subbed version without hardsubs because literally everyone else hardsubbed. __More Information__: - [Screenshot Comparison at 1080p](//diff.pics/FlgrP5kfjiXt/5). - Alternative Titles: Log Horizon, Log Horizon 2013. - [Anime News Network (ANN)](http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=15118). - [AnimeDB](https://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=9677). ![Akatsuki](https://i.imgur.com/8EXSgYP.png) __Video Source__: 1-4 BDMV 5-25 from [ReinForce 1080p](//nyaa.si/view/594727) (x254 v142, 8-bit, crf=16, qcomp=0.7, 420p) Extras\NCOP+NCED.mkv from BDMV. Credited OP/ED from BDMV available as track #2 in Extras\OP+ED.mkv. Note: NCOP/NCED was used in every episode to remove hardsubbing. __Video Settings__: 720p: x265 v2.4/v2.5 (crf=17, 10-bit, yuv444p) 1080p: x265 v2.4/v2.5 (crf=18, 10-bit, yuv444p) For exact settings, please check mediainfo below. __Filter settings__: ``` FluxSmoothT(4) LSFmod(strength=280,edgemaskHQ=true,ss_x=1.0,ss_y=1.0) #Spline64Resize(1280,720) maa2(aa=60,threads=8) gradfun3() ``` For exact settings, please see the attached Extras/scripts.zip/avisynth_scripts.7z. __Audio Source__: - Track 1 JPN : Source is CTR's 1080p release (FLAC) [#825378](//nyaa.si/view/825378) - Track 2 ENG : Source is CTR's 1080p release (FLAC) [#825378](//nyaa.si/view/825378) - Track 3 JPN Commentary : Source is Moozi2's release (FLAC) [#756302](//nyaa.si/view/756302) (episodes 1 and 25 only) - Extras\OP+ED.mkv: Source was BD __Audio Settings__: - Track 1 JPN: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC - Track 2 ENG: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC - Track 3 JPN Commentary: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC (episodes 1 and 25 only) __Subs__: - English ones from [Sally](//nyaa.si/view/637953). - Lightly edited for readability. - Episode typesetting originally done by Commie. - Sally's OPs/EDs were hardsubbed so I removed them added basic ones. - KFX by KaraEffector. Effects as labeled. __Non-English subtitle summary__: - Japanese - Kamigami via Zimuku - Chinese (Simplified) - Kamigami via Zimuku - Spanish - Ñyuum-Yoru no Kousen [Ñ-YnK] via Unionfansub com - Italian - Chokoreto-Fudo - Portuguese - Eternal Animes [EA] + CR - Russian - Zool (random?) - German - Akatsuki-Subs [AKA] - Indonesian - Hikanti - Hungarian - NamiDa Fansub-AA [AA-NF] - Arabic - Fate-Fansub + MEJOR - Czech - Aniki-Team [AKT] (1-17) + Hakuhodzo no Sensi (.sup) (18-25) - Persion (Farsi) - SahelAnime + Ani-dl ws Incomplete: - Bulgarian (15,18-25 missing) 1-4 SamuraiFS (subset of Sabotage?), 5-14,16-17 Sabotage (11-14,16-17 uploaded anonymously) Additional subs (not muxed in): - Turkish (1,3,6,18,20-22,24 missing) 2,4-5,7-17,19,23,25 Anonymous - Polish (1-7,10,18,21-25 missing) 8-9,11-17,19-20 Anonymous - Slovak (1-13,15-25 missing) 14 Anonymous These are located at Extras/scripts.zip/original_subs.7z/original_subs/random_unused/. Non-English subtitle notes: - Normalized dialogue typesetting for all muxed scripts. - Some groups did not typeset their op/eds so I added in a basic one. - Some groups did not translate their ops/eds so I added google translated ones. - Farsi is a variant of Persion and is the official language of Iran. FYI. - Matroska does not support differentating between simplified and traditional chinese as per ISO 639-2:1998. [More info](//github.com/mbunkus/mkvtoolnix/wiki/Chinese-not-selectable-as-language). The included ones, from Kamigami, are simplified chinese. - [Czech subs for 18-25](https://imgur.com/a/y7Mz2) are provided as-is in BDNXML format (.sup), do not serve any particular purpose, and have absolutely no warranty either expressed or implied. __Notes__: - Thank you to all of the groups that did not hardsub! And also to whoever uploaded the Vol. 1 BDMV. - For dub viewers (Eng), consider using the Signs/Songs subtitle track. - Did this because hardsubs are evil. Seriously, do not hardsub. Just no. - Chapters by Sally. - Unmodied copies of the softsub scripts are available at Extras/scripts.zip/original_subs.7z - Each episode has 165-174 fonts attached (~17MB/epi). Fonts greater than 1 MB in size were excluded. - Season 2 is in the works but has no ETA. It is no use asking. - With the exception of Seirei no Moribito and Log Horizon S2, future releases will have, at most, the following languages: - English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German. Known Issues (will not fix): - In the 720p version, some meta-info for the Extras/ is slightly off. - In the 720p version, the Chokoreto-Fudo (Italian) subs for episode 1 does not have ops/eds. For MediaInfo, please see [AnimeTosho 720p](//animetosho.org/file/yuki-log-horizon-01-bd-720p-hevc-dual.429595) and [AnimeTosho 1080p](//animetosho.org/file/yuki-log-horizon-01-bd-1080p-hevc-dual.430262).

File list

  • Log Horizon S1 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC)
    • Extras
      • Your song - Yun chi - Log Horizon S1 ED (BD 1080p HEVC AAC).mkv (108.3 MiB)
      • Your song - Yun chi - Log Horizon S1 ED.mp3 (11.0 MiB)
      • database - Man With A Mission - Log Horizon S1 OP (BD 1080p HEVC AAC) .mkv (139.2 MiB)
      • database - Man With A Mission - Log Horizon S1 OP.mp3 (9.0 MiB)
      • scripts.zip (117.6 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 01 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [2D099D6D].mkv (873.2 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 02 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [F4DD300A].mkv (799.5 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 03 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [565C9B4A].mkv (796.1 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 04 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [764C9867].mkv (872.1 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 05 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [3FED2E12].mkv (689.2 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 06 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [03F93D9E].mkv (601.3 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 07 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [7BFEA8DD].mkv (641.7 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 08 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [8F3AA53C].mkv (562.3 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 09 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [ECF5C8F4].mkv (667.6 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 10 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [F968AE8D].mkv (635.5 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 11 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [91D53B64].mkv (692.0 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 12 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [68D0D586].mkv (676.8 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 13 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [DDB68769].mkv (594.2 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 14 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [0F8BF9A5].mkv (635.8 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 15 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [2FF9D502].mkv (629.6 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 16 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [F238DF0D].mkv (597.6 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 17 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [FB4D9936].mkv (604.7 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 18 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [FE0271E9].mkv (616.9 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 19 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [FE01B005].mkv (862.7 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 20 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [85CC433E].mkv (703.2 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 21 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [AA8903BE].mkv (598.9 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 22 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [2266D626].mkv (666.6 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 23 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [1F7E218B].mkv (635.8 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 24 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [94E3C9CF].mkv (654.8 MiB)
    • [Yuki] Log Horizon - 25 (BD 1080p HEVC Dual-Audio AAC) [4331053C].mkv (670.2 MiB)
i really like that you've given us this much information.

YukinoAi (uploader)

Thanks. CTR Glorius bloat is fine though wouldn't prefer it for all shows. S2 also? If you take requests than do Magi pls. Other than CTR, wasn't able to find good releases for it
Thank you for this i have a request to make please accept this one could you plz create Your lie in April BD 1080P 10 BIT DUAL Audio and use subtitles from kametsu version there is not a single decent Version of Hevc that isnt a mini encoded verson Here is a BD REMUX if you need a link for it http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5126550 plz accept this if you can
Boy these will not play on kodi or mpc.
I am unable to play in VLC, please help me
This plays just fine on MPC-HC, or MPV through SMPlayer
Thanks a lot! This has much better video quality than SallySubs which was already great btw.
The mind. BOGGLES as to why there are ever hard subs for ANYTHING. It is now 2021.