TV Anime 『Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon』 Radio CD 「Kobayashi-san Chi no Ishukan Radio」
Hi to all! In this time I upload this Radio CD of the animated Dragon Waifus (?)
Sorry if the sound is not the best, since the only medium where it was could not be downloaded, so I had to capture it and I'm not sure if it did well, but hey, at least can hear it and have it
Japanese tracklist:
01. オープニング
02. chu chu yeah! 対決
03. ちょろゴンず指相撲対決
04. 小林さんの気持ち理解度対決
05. エンディング
Romaji tracklist:
01. Opening
02. chu chu yeah! Taiketsu
03. Choro Gonzu Yubizumou Taiketsu
04. Kobayashi-san Chi no Kimochi Rikaido Taiketsu
05. Ending
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Ok, this is all, enjoy the Radio CD! In these days I'll upload some Radio CDs to my blog
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