[Pendekar] Dragon Ball - Movies & Specials [Dragon Box] [Multi Audio] (Now with extra’s)

Japanese Dragon Box DVD Rips with all available English dubs synced to it.
Censored dubs had their gaps filled with the Funimation Dub.
Yes, another update for the DB movies. I want my releases to be as complete
as can be, so everytime I discover something new I will update my releases.
Will includes dates below here from now on to reflect updates, so you don't
download what you already have. So in this case, if you downloaded our previous
DB Movies torrent with extra's only movie 3 needs an update.
Update October 2017: Added Speedy Dub to Movie 3.
MKV file information:
- Dragon Box Video in H264, 720×480. Aspect Ratio: Movies: 16:9, Specials: 4:3
- Japanese 2.0 AC3 (Dolby Digital Stereo)
- Funimation 5.1 AC3 Dolby Surround
- Harmony Gold (Movies 1 and 3), BLT (Movie 1), and Speedy (Movie 3) 2.0 AC3 Stereo
- VobSub, ASS and SRT Subtitles
- Chapters file, as on Dragon Box R2J DVD
Covers are included.
@SenpaiSSB: Yeah, I couldn't think of another name for a torrent in which some movies are Dual Audio, and others are Triple or more Audio, lol.
@pajpajpaj: I will upload the rest when the rest is done. But the Z movies and specials are underway. They just take a little more work.
Dragon Box ISO's... The Z and GT boxes are already on here, I believe. The DB boxes and the Movie boxes can be found in the Baidu links mentioned somewhere in the comment section of an old DB box torrent here. I could make torrents, but I would need some serious help seeding.
But I will share one little secret right now. For Z we have way better Broadcast Audio then what's out here (2014 re-runs). Some guys really should check out DC++...
I don't give a flying fuck about Broadcast Audio myself, but if you like it, you're gonna love my DBZ. The Z TV specials will be the first time you'll hear it, and they'll be in the next torrent, which only needs Speedy Dubs. The rest is already done. I've also included the audio from the single DVD's for people who prefer the original Funimation dub, as opposed to the redubs... ;-)
@pukulan10jurus You mean broadcast audio for the series or the movies ? What are those 2014-re-reruns that you meantioned . It sounds rather interesting but fake there is no rerun for Broadcast audio . There was only 1 run . and that's pretty much it and it was 80-90'.
Well, I was told they are from a 2014 re-run. But even if that's bogus, it's still much better Broadcast Audio. Snuff 'em out on DC++ and hear for yourself.
Movies don't need Broadcast Audio, since TOEI did still have the Master Audio. They also still have GT master audio, but they didn't use it for the GT box. So the movies are the best DB/DBZ will ever sound.
Will you upload Dragon Box Episode of Bardock and History of Trunks? Also, I can’t seem to find Dragon Box GT anywhere too.
Thank you for doing amazing job with all this!
@pukulan10jurus First of all, I'd like to sincerely thank you for this amazing release and hope you can continue until you finish the whole franchise eventually!! I have some questions if you don't mind.
1) How come you don't put CRC on your files? All the great archive releases tend to include them nowadays. Could I please request you to CRC your current releases and your future ones? I'd really appreciate that. If you don't know I can show you as it's really easy to do so. Please think about it.
2) How come you use three versions of subtitles? Isn't .ass enough? Don't get me wrong. I don't mind at all. Just curious to find your reasoning behind that. Also, do you QC the subs for inconcistencies, grammatical errors, typos, name spelling etc.?
3) Is this DB movie torrent you uploaded the finalized/ultimate one or do you have any plans to update it again?
4) Do you have any plans to finish all DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBZ KAI, DBS and all their corresponding movies, tv specials and OVAs?
5) After you're done with the Z movies what will the next release be? Have you decided if it's gonna be the original Dragon Ball?
6) Have you applied Color Correction techniques and scripts so the colors match as closely to the originals as possible?
7) DB will not include Broadcast Audio right? As there is not one available right? But Z and GT will right?
8) This broadcast audio you"ll include on Z is better than the infamous nyaa torrent here right? Also, you won't include the jpn audio from the Dboxes for Z right? Just the audio you found on DS++ right?
9) Do you have an ETA on the next torrent release?
10) Could I please request that you upload your wonderful releases on MEGA too? Please!! That would be soo amazing if you could.
11) Have you uploadedyour releases on other places besides nyaa? I mean can we access them through other forums too?
12) Do you have any kind of contact communication way like Discord, Facebook or any other forum that we can talk better? E mail would also suffice. Btw, iBreaker here and I really want to catch up with you again bro!!
Please keep up your wonderful job man as it's the best release so far and I'll be looking forward for your answers. Please pm me asap!!??
@clutchins: I'll do some research on the exact source sometime.
@lopata: I think you mean TV Special 1 by episode of Bardock? Episode of Bardock is the one where he goes Super Saiyan. Anyway, next release will have the 2 TV Specials. Episode of Bardock is much younger than the Dragon Boxes, and as such will be done at a later time. Dragon Box GT should be on here tho.
@Yusei573: Lol, so many questions. Well, here we go:
1. Because I hate it. Makes the filename ugly IMHO. I've been requested for this many times. Answer will stay no.
2. I do the VobSubs because it looks better on my ps3 with my home cinema and easy burning. I include SRT for hardware that doesn't support .ass subs. I have done some minimal checking, but not very extensive.
3. I currently consider it final, but if I find any new dub, I might update
4. A teammember of us is doing his own Kai project. 4:3 Japanese BR footage with English Dub and Japanese TV dub with original score synced to it. I dunno if I'll do Super yet, but I probably will. But lemme finish the old stuff first. I will at least do EVERYTHING DB/Z/GT.
5. It will be Dragon Ball all over again. So back to the Goku saga it is. Re-encoded, more dubs, and .ass subs are the new additions.
6. Of course not. I claim my rips to be untouched, right? Messing around with colors will mess up quality BTW.
7. I might include Broadcast Audio for the 8 episodes that have it. Not sure yet. Z and GT will have it for all episodes.
8. I think it's better. I will however include both audios and DVD audio will be the standard one.
9. Nope. All I can say is that we're working on it very hard. We want to do it right this time, so we take our time to perfect our releases.
10. I'm not sure. Don't think my account is that big lol. But feel free to do so yourself.
11. Nah. I'm lazy.
12. My gmail is the same as my username here. I'm not on any form of social media
Currently, the only thing still needed for next releases to be complete is the syncing of Speedy dub for movies 4-10 and translation of the trailers. Shouldn't take that long. Although hearing Speedy so much drives you crazy, so it's going slower than expected as many breaks are needed to maintain my sanity. That's were the trailers come in.
"A teammember of us is doing his own Kai project. 4:3 Japanese BR footage with English Dub and Japanese TV dub with original score synced to it."
OMG! This would be awesome!! :) And what's the situation about Buu saga?
Was the English Dub in the series downmixed to 2.0 to accommodate the spliced in Japanese dubs for the next episode previews? That's kind of a bummer. Wouldn't it have been better to leave the surround track untouched and just left the next episode preview silent? I mean people can just switch the track to Japanese if they really want to hear it. Or isn't it possible to upmix the Jap audio to 5.1?
Also are the movies cropped from 4:3 to 16:9? I have an US release of the 4th movie which has more information in the frame. I thought the Dragon Box had the most amount of video information among all the releases
To be totally honest with you, with previous (pre-nyaapocalypse) releases, they were just 2.0 because I borrowed them that way from another group. They claimed to use remastered source, so either they used the singles' audio or they downmixed.
But I have attained the actual Blue Bricks since, and the new releases will have the 5.1 audio ripped by yours truly with the Japanese NEP sound made 5.1, just like I already did with the movie 7 preview after the movie 6 credits as you will soon see...
The movies are matted for 16:9, but drawn in 4:3. The extra material was never meant to be seen. It even includes half an arm in DBZ movie 4 somewhere. The Dragon Box has, by far, the best video, and, in case of the movies, even the best audio, but the movies are 16:9 on R2JDVD. But if you want that material that was never meant to be seen, like Gohan's half arm, the lesser quality USA or Australian Madman singles are the sources you want. Australians tend to be just a little better than the American releases, well except for the ugly-ass yellow subs. But Dragon Box has better quality video and Japanese master audio. It's the best quality you will ever see pre-HD stuff in. So that's why I chose to use that. Most people these days watch on 16:9 screens anyway.
By the way, I can now provide somewhat of an ETA for next release. It should be before the end of January. I think around January 15th. We're trying to keep it 2017, but I don't see it happening right now. Trying very hard tho, but we want to do it right this time. Perfection costs time lolz.
Also, there's a 98% chance we will drop the Blue Water dub for the original Dragon Ball series. It's not complete and sometimes of terrible quality. Also, they're the main reason the entire series isn't completed yet as they are very troublesome to sync sometimes. I think I could complete the entire series without help of the rest of the team in 2/3 months if we dropped it. So, yeah... Imagine if we drop it and all work together.
Also, movies 14 and 15 are done, I might even add 3d subtitle positioning like they do in cinemas for the 3d version of movie 15 (hell yeah, it's coming. Will be around 18GB tho). Is there even a 3d version which includes Enlish dub yet?
Now, to quote the Home Alone videotape guy: "Now get on your knees and tell me you love me" lolz
Wow. That is the best news. And yes you have the definitive release of the Dragon Ball series on the entire internet. I've looked everywhere and haven't found a better Dragon Box release. I wonder why every dual audio release had the 5.1 audio downmixed down to 2.0 for Dragon Ball though. Almost made me think it was a myth. I really would've loved if you had encoded in 10bit x265 to reduce bloat but hey beggars can't be choosers :P
Why, thank you! Could be that they used the singles as source. The singles don't have 5.1 track. I have no way to watch x265 on my home theater so I wouldn't have been able to really enjoy my own ecodes, and 10-bit encoding for a DVD source is kinda useless, also h264 level 4.1 has the best compatibility. So this way everyone can enjoy it on their TV/Playstation/Xbox/BR Player/phone/tablet/etc.
Dude, I've been following your releases for quite a while. Cant wait for you to upload the rest of the series, especially Z!
You planning on doing project of the "Rock the Dragon" release? I grew up on that dub until the end of the ginyu arc. It would be so nostalgic to have that dub on its own for the first 55 odd episodes.
Look forward to hearing from you dude.
If and when you have updates for us in regards to your releases would you update us in the comments of your latest torrent?
Lastly, dude I and im sure everyone else appreciate all your hard work to stay faithful to this project.
Keep up the hard work dude :)
Thank you
@wampa1: "We" probably won't even do Kai. A teammember of us is working on a solo project. But he's at episode 2 now, so... I am helping him out, but it's his thing, not mine. I will spread the word that people are waiting for it. Maybe that will motivate, but it would still take a long while to complete.
@omar1st: I'm excited for Z myself too!
Rock the dragon? I have no plans to rip that right now. I don't even have the original dvd's, just a rip. I do however intend on including the audio with my dbox rips. But as you probably know, that will require a lot of filling up edited parts with Funi dub. Not even sure if it will produce acceptable results, but I will try. I grew up with Ocean all the way to Boo lol. Westwood territory here. Only Freeza and Garlic Jr were Funi. I prefer Ocean above Funimation, actually. But still, Japanese is best to me. That and Speedy for the lolz.
What do you mean? Like if I would comment here if I drop a new torrent? Sure, I could do that.
I also plan on including the rest of the Ocean Dub, from Android to Buu. Should be easier to sync, too. In fact, we already made a quick test encode, and it was awesome. We even put the same font on the episode titles for the nostalgia lol.
Of course, movies 1, 2, and 3 will have their uncut Ocean Dub included in the next torrent too!
I havent actually seen Z with the ocean dub as I started then watching with funimation. I only found out later Ocean did actually dub the rest of it too.
I was on about just the first 55 odd eps on its own with the ocean dub only (just for nostalgia) not to sync them with your Z release for obvious reasons.
I've got the ISO's for Rock The Dragon Boxset if you want them.
Awesome dude, cant wait for your releases.
We are eagerly awaiting them :)
Save on space would you believe. LOL
I'm a complete n00b at art of encoding and would rather leave it to those who know what they are doing. Sometimes I dont know what to download, some guys filter the source and some dont.
In fairness some guys who filter their encodes, especially with DB...some actually look good but most rather would leave it untouched like your releases. Quick question actually, with your Dragonbox Z encodes, did you colour correct them at all?
I'll upload the ISO's for ya soon dude.
Sorry for my late response, was kinda busy. Encoding is actually really easy. If you have a good GUI it becomes even easier. I could teach you.
I haven't encoded much of Z yet, only the movies/specials/OVA and the first 8 or so episodes. But I never have and never will use color "correction" as I really hate it. And I mean really hate it. Correcting something means to bring it back to its original state, and since the Jap boxes were taken from the original negatives, there's really nothing to correct. So all my rips are untouched. Only thing I ever did was cropping, and only on some extras, and only when it was really necessary. (16:9 letterboxed on 4:3 video fills only half a 16:9 screen, for example)
Thx for the iso's. Will download them soon. If you want help on encoding just e-mail me. My gmail is the same as my username here.
Haven't been able to do much lately, so just a little more patience. Next release is still being worked on. Syncing the Speedy dub can be a bitch. But if anyone wants to help, let us know.
Hi! Can I ask the origin of the two TV specials videos? (fire brigade and traffic safety)
I thought they were only released as VHS, but they look pretty good. Were they included in the R2J box set?
Thanks! Keep it up!
@BPereira: Okay, okay... Here's DBZ Movie 1, complete with subbed trailers and Japanese movie poster:
This link expires in a week, so be fast!
@omar1st: just e-mail me and you'll be encoding like a pro in no time. ;-) An ETA, hmmm, well I said last month but that clearly didn't work out. But syncing the movie 4 Speedy dub was very hard, as the sfx were off-sync in the original VCD. It took a lot of work, but in the end I did managed to produce an acceptable balance between sfx and voices and even corrected some stuff. Movie 5 goes a lot easier tho. If all of movies 6-10 are like movie 5, I'd say about by the end of this month. If even 1 of them is like movie 4 I have no friggin clue. But if that's the case I'll start releasing everything I've got as I sync them. Unfortunately I'm still the main syncer of our team and it takes a long time before I trust anyone else on the job...
@xcrash: Yeah, they're on the Japanese Dragon Boxes' extra's. I ripped the video myself, I borrowed the subs from DBNL and adjusted them a little.
Np. I've checked how the rest of the Speedy's are, and all of them are easy like movie 5, except movie 9. Dunno how difficult that one will be, but I can live with that, even if it is such a PITA as movie 4. Thought it would be worse.
Movie 7 is about halfway done now. Only 3 movies left after that!
As such, I think releasing the next batch before the end of this month is a very realistic ETA, this time I think it will really happen.
@pukulan10jurus if you do end up adding the ocean dub could you please fill in the gaps w the johnson audio funi dub, another uploader did something similar but the differences in the background music draws your attention in my opinion, otherwise it sounds pretty awsome
Comments - 54
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pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)
pukulan10jurus (uploader)